
Frama-C API - Services

The graph of services built on top of the callgraph

The underlying graph datastructure

val compute : unit -> unit

Compute the graph

val get : unit -> G.t

Get the graph from the AST.

module Subgraph : sig ... end

Subgraph of get () wrt Options.Roots.get ()

val dump : unit -> unit

Dump the (possibly sub-)graph in the file of the corresponding command line argument.

val is_computed : unit -> bool

Is the graph already built?

val add_hook : (G.t -> unit) -> unit

Call registered hook each time the graph is computed

val entry_point : unit -> G.V.t option
val is_root : Frama_c_kernel.Kernel_function.t -> bool
module Graphviz_attributes : Graph.Graphviz.GraphWithDotAttrs with type t = G.t and type V.t = Frama_c_kernel.Kernel_function.t Frama_c_kernel.Service_graph.vertex and type E.t = G.E.t