
Frama-C API - RTL

val api_prefix : string

Prefix used for the public API of E-ACSL runtime library.

val temporal_prefix : string

Prefix used for the public API of E-ACSL runtime library dealing with temporal analysis.

val mk_api_name : string -> string

Prefix a name (of a variable or a function) with a string that identifies it as belonging to the public API of E-ACSL runtime library

val mk_gen_name : string -> string

Prefix a name (of a variable or a function) with a string indicating that this name has been generated during instrumentation phase.

val is_generated_name : string -> bool
  • returns

    true if the prefix of the given name indicates that it has been generated by E-ACSL instrumentation (see mk_gen_name function).

val is_generated_kf : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.kernel_function -> bool

Same as is_generated_name but for kernel functions

val get_original_name : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.kernel_function -> string

Retrieve the name of the kernel function and strip prefix that indicates that it has been generated by the instrumentation.