
Frama-C API - Ctx

type t
val top : t

The default context used in a top abstract state, or if no domain has been enabled — or no domain providing this context.

val narrow : t -> t -> t Eva.Eval.or_bottom

In a product of abstract domains, merges the context provided by the abstract state of each domain.

val structure : t Eva__.Abstract.Context.structure
val mem : 'a Eva__.Structure.Key_Context.key -> bool

Tests whether a key belongs to the module.

val get : 'a Eva__.Structure.Key_Context.key -> (t -> 'a) option

For a key of type k key:

  • if the values of type t contain a subpart of type k from a module identified by the key, then get key returns an accessor for it.
  • otherwise, get key returns None.
val set : 'a Eva__.Structure.Key_Context.key -> 'a -> t -> t

For a key of type k key:

  • if the values of type t contain a subpart of type k from a module identified by the key, then set key v t returns the value t in which this subpart has been replaced by v.
  • otherwise, set key _ is the identity function.

Iterators on the components of a structure.

type polymorphic_iter_fun = {
  1. iter : 'a. 'a Eva__.Structure.Key_Context.key -> (module Eva__.Abstract_context.S with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> unit;
val iter : polymorphic_iter_fun -> t -> unit
type 'b polymorphic_fold_fun = {
  1. fold : 'a. 'a Eva__.Structure.Key_Context.key -> (module Eva__.Abstract_context.S with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b;
val fold : 'b polymorphic_fold_fun -> t -> 'b -> 'b
type polymorphic_map_fun = {
  1. map : 'a. 'a Eva__.Structure.Key_Context.key -> (module Eva__.Abstract_context.S with type t = 'a) -> 'a -> 'a;
val map : polymorphic_map_fun -> t -> t