
Frama-C API - Numerors_interval

type t

Opaque type of an interval. The type as an invariant : both bounds of the interval use the same precision

val pretty : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Returns the precisions of the bounds of its input

val get_max_exponent : t -> int

Returns the biggest exponent of its input

val get_exponents : t -> int * int

Returns the exponent of the bounds ot its input

val get_bounds : t -> Numerors_float.t * Numerors_float.t

Returns the bounds of its inputs

val top : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t

Returns the interval -oo ; +oo with NaNs at the precision <prec>

val pos_inf : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t

Returns the interval +oo ; +oo at the precision <prec>

val neg_inf : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t

Returns the interval -oo ; -oo at the precision <prec>

val nan : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t

Returns an interval containing only NaN values at the precision <prec>

val zero : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t

Returns the interval -0 ; +0 at the precision <prec>

val pos_zero : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t

Returns the interval +0 ; +0 at the precision <prec>

val add_nan : t -> t

Add NaN into the interval

val make_finite : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t Eva.Eval.or_bottom

Replace the infinite bounds of its input into the maximum float of the precision. Does not change the interval if it is finite

val enlarge : t -> t

Enlarge the bounds of the interval by taking the previous float of the lower bound and the following float of the upper bound

val of_ints : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> (int * int) -> t

The function of_<typ> ~prec (x, y) returns the interval x' ; y' where x' is a Numerors float containing the value of x (of type <typ>) rounded toward -oo and y' is a Numerors float containing the value of y rounded toward +oo. Both use the precision <prec>

val of_floats : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> (float * float) -> t
val of_strings : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> (string * string) -> t
val of_numerors_floats : (Numerors_float.t * Numerors_float.t) -> t

Returns the interval corresponding to the given bounds. Fails with an exception if the inputs do not have the same precision

val of_floats_without_rounding : prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> (float * float) -> t

Works in the same way as of_floats but the bounds are rounded toward nearest

val change_prec : Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t

Change the precision of the bounds

Returns the interval -epsilon ; +epsilon for the input precision

val compare : t -> t -> int

Comparison functions

val eq : t -> t -> bool
val le : t -> t -> bool
val lt : t -> t -> bool
val ge : t -> t -> bool
val gt : t -> t -> bool
val is_included : t -> t -> bool

Lattice functions. Those functions work only if their inputs use the same precision. One can see this as if there is a lattice for each precision.

val join : t -> t -> t
val narrow : t -> t -> t Eva.Eval.or_bottom
val is_nan : t -> bool

Check if the interval contains only NaN values

val is_finite : t -> bool

Check if the bounds of its input are finite

val is_zero : t -> bool

Check if the bounds of its input are both zero (without considering their signs)

val is_pos_zero : t -> bool

Check if the bounds of its input are positive zeros

val is_neg_zero : t -> bool

Check if the bounds of its input are negative zeros

val is_pos_inf : t -> bool

Check if the bounds of its input are positive infinites

val is_neg_inf : t -> bool

Check if the bounds of its input are negative infinites

val contains_nan : t -> bool

Check if its input contains at least a NaN value

val contains_a_zero : t -> bool

Check if there is a zero between the bounds of its input (without considering the signs

val contains_pos_zero : t -> bool

Check if there is a positive zero between the bounds of its input

val contains_neg_zero : t -> bool

Check if there is a negative zero between the bounds of its input

val contains_infinity : t -> bool

Check if its input contains at least an infinite bound

val contains_strictly_pos : t -> bool

Check if there is at least a strictly positive value in its input

val contains_strictly_neg : t -> bool

Check if there is at least a strictly negative value in its input

val is_strictly_pos : t -> bool

Check if all the values of its input are positives

val is_strictly_neg : t -> bool

Check if all the values of its input are negatives

val add : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t -> t

These functions perform arithmetic operations on intervals using the precision <prec>. If exact=true then the bounds are computed using rounding to nearest mode else they are computed using rounding toward +oo for the upper bound and toward -oo for the lower one

val sub : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t -> t
val mul : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t -> t
val div : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t -> t
val neg : t -> t

These functions perform mathematic unidimensionnal operations of intervals using the precision <prec>

val abs : t -> t
val sqrt : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t
val square : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t
val log : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t
val exp : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t

These functions perform backward propagation on intervals using the precision <prec>

val backward_add : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> left:t -> right:t -> result:t -> unit -> (t * t) Frama_c_kernel.Lattice_bounds.or_bottom

These functions perform backward propagation for arithmetic

val backward_sub : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> left:t -> right:t -> result:t -> unit -> (t * t) Frama_c_kernel.Lattice_bounds.or_bottom
val backward_mul : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> left:t -> right:t -> result:t -> unit -> (t * t) Frama_c_kernel.Lattice_bounds.or_bottom
val backward_div : ?prec:Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> left:t -> right:t -> result:t -> unit -> (t * t) Frama_c_kernel.Lattice_bounds.or_bottom