Frama-C API - FctIndex
Mapping between the function elements we are interested in and some information. Used for instance to associate the nodes with the statements, or the marks in a slice.
this type is used to build indexes between program objects and some information such as the PDG nodes or the slicing marks.
if the type of the information to store for each element,'ci
if the type of the information that can be attached to call statements (calls are themselves composed of several elements, so'ni
information stored for each of them ('ni Signature.t
val create : int -> ('ni, 'ci) t
val length : ('ni, 'ci) t -> int
val merge : ('ni, 'ci) t -> ('ni, 'ci) t -> ('ni -> 'ni -> 'ni) -> ('ci -> 'ci -> 'ci) -> ('ni, 'ci) t
merge the two indexes using given functions merge_a
and merge_b
. These function are _not_ called when an element is in one index, but not the other. It is assumed that merge_x x bot = x
val sgn : ('ni, 'ci) t -> 'ni Signature.t
get the information stored for the function signature
find the information stored for the key. Cannot be used for Key.CallStmt
keys because the type of the stored information is not the same. See find_call
same than find_info
except for call statements for which it gives the list of all the information in the signature of the call.
val find_label : ('ni, 'ci) t -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.label -> 'ni
Similar to find_info
for a label
val find_call : ('ni, 'ci) t -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt -> 'ci option * 'ni Signature.t
find the information stored for the call and its signature
val find_call_key : ('ni, 'ci) t -> Key.t -> 'ci option * 'ni Signature.t
val find_info_call : ('ni, 'ci) t -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt -> 'ci
find the information stored for the call
val fold_calls : (Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt -> ('ci option * 'ni Signature.t) -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('ni, 'ci) t -> 'c -> 'c
store the information for the key. Replace the previously stored information if any.
val add_info_call : ('ni, 'ci) t -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt -> 'ci -> replace:bool -> unit
val t_descr : ni:Frama_c_kernel.Structural_descr.t -> ci:Frama_c_kernel.Structural_descr.t -> Frama_c_kernel.Structural_descr.t
Structural destructor for unmarshaling