
Frama-C API - Ptip

module F = Lang.F
module Env = Plang.Env
type 'a printer = Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type v_fold = [
  1. | `Auto
  2. | `Visible
  3. | `Hidden
type v_term = [
  1. | v_fold
  2. | `Shared
  3. | `Name of string
type part =
  1. | Term
  2. | Goal
  3. | Step of Conditions.step
class autofocus : object ... end
class type term_wrapper = object ... end
class type term_selection = object ... end
class plang : terms:term_wrapper -> focus:term_wrapper -> target:term_wrapper -> autofocus: term_selection -> object ... end
class type part_marker = object ... end
class type step_selection = object ... end
class pcond : parts:part_marker -> target:part_marker -> autofocus:step_selection -> plang: Pcond.state -> object ... end
type target = part * F.term option
type focus = [
  1. | `Transient
  2. | `Select
  3. | `Focus
  4. | `Extend
  5. | `Reset
class pseq : autofocus:autofocus -> plang:plang -> pcond:pcond -> object ... end