
Frama-C API - feedback

method pool : Wp__.Lang.F.pool

Global fresh variable pool

method interactive : bool

Interactive mode. If false the GUI is not activated. Hence, detailed feedback is not reported to the user.

method get_title : string

Retrieve the title

method has_error : bool

Retrieve the errors

method set_title : 'a. 'a formatter

Update the title wrt current selection & tuning

method set_descr : 'a. 'a formatter

Add a short description wrt current selection & tuning

method set_error : 'a. 'a formatter

Mark the current configuration as invalid

method update_field : 'a. ?enabled:bool -> ?title:string -> ?tooltip:string -> ?range:bool -> ?vmin:int -> ?vmax:int -> ?filter:(Wp__.Lang.F.term -> bool) -> 'a field -> unit

Update field parameters