Frama-C API - Category
Categories for this collection.
type elt = elt
Element in the category
type t = elt Frama_c_kernel.Parameter_category.t
val none : t
The category '@none'
val all : unit -> t
The '@all' category. If this category has not been created, it is none
, which means 'ignored'.
val set_default : t -> unit
Modify the '@default' category.
val add : string -> Frama_c_kernel.State.t list -> elt Frama_c_kernel.Parameter_category.accessor -> t
Adds a new category for this collection with the given name, accessor and dependencies.
val enable_all : Frama_c_kernel.State.t list -> elt Frama_c_kernel.Parameter_category.accessor -> t
The category '@all' is enabled in positive occurrences, with the given interpretation. In negative occurrences, it is always enabled and '-@all' means 'empty'.
val enable_all_as : t -> unit
The category '@all' is equivalent to the given category.