
Frama-C API - List_functions

module SemanticLocs : sig ... end
module Self : sig ... end
module PrintLibc : sig ... end
module PrintDeclarations : sig ... end
module Output : sig ... end
type funinfo = {
  1. name : string;
  2. declarations : unit SemanticLocs.t;
  3. definitions : int SemanticLocs.t;
class stmt_count_visitor : object ... end
val located_within_framac_libc : (Frama_c_kernel.Filepath.position * 'a) -> bool
class fun_cabs_visitor : bool -> object ... end
val pp_semlocs : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a SemanticLocs.t -> unit
val pp_loc_size : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Frama_c_kernel.Cil_datatype.Location.t * int) -> unit
val pp_definitions : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> int SemanticLocs.t -> unit
val print_text : funinfo list -> unit
val get_size : Frama_c_kernel.Kernel_function.t -> int
val definitions_with_size : string -> int SemanticLocs.t
val json_string_of_loc : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_datatype.Location.t -> [> `String of string ]
val json_list_of_loc_tbl : 'a SemanticLocs.t -> [> `List of [> `String of string ] list ]
val json_array_of_loc_size : (Frama_c_kernel.Cil_datatype.Location.t * 'a) -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Int of 'a | `String of string ]) list ]
val json_list_of_loc_size_tbl : 'a SemanticLocs.t -> [> `List of [> `Assoc of (string * [> `Int of 'b | `String of string ]) list ] list ]
val run : unit -> unit