
Frama-C API - t

method model : GTree.model
method flat_mode : bool

Return true if the filetree currently displays all globals in flat mode (all children of the same node), false otherwise (children of the file they are declared in). If true, the methods set_file_attribute and get_files_globals must not be used

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
method set_file_attribute : ?strikethrough:bool -> ?text:string -> Frama_c_kernel.Datatype.Filepath.t -> unit

Manually set some attributes of the given filename.

method set_global_attribute : ?strikethrough:bool -> ?text:string -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.varinfo -> unit

Manually set some attributes of the given variable.

method add_global_filter : text:string -> key:string -> ( -> bool) -> (unit -> bool) * GMenu.check_menu_item

add_global_filter text key f adds a filter for the visibility of the globals, according to f. If any of the filters registered through this method returns true, the global is not displayed in the filetree. text is used in the filetree menu, to label the entry permitting to activate or deactivate the filter. key is used to store the current state of the filter internally. The created menu is returned.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
method get_file_globals : Frama_c_kernel.Datatype.Filepath.t -> (string * bool) list

Return the names and the attributes (currently only the strikethrough property) of the globals in the file passed as argument

method find_visible_global : string -> option

find_visible_global str searches for the next occurrence of a visible global whose name contains str, starting at the currently selected element. Returns the global found (if any).

  • since Magnesium-20151001
method add_select_function : (was_activated:bool -> activating:bool -> filetree_node -> unit) -> unit

Register a callback that is called whenever an element of the file tree is selected or unselected.

method append_text_column : title:string -> tooltip:string -> visible:(unit -> bool) -> text:( -> string) -> ?sort: ( -> -> int) -> [ `Visibility | `Contents ] -> unit

append_text_column ~title ~tooltip ~visible ~text ~sort appends a new column with name title to the file tree, and registers text as a callback computing the text for each global variable. The column is displayed when visible returns true. Rows of the filetree can be sorted according to sort, if it is provided. Otherwise, they can be sorted according to the alphabetical order established by text. The returned function can be used to force an update on the display of the column. `Visibility means that the column must be shown or hidden. `Contents means what it contains has changed.

method append_pixbuf_column : title:string -> ( list -> GTree.cell_properties_pixbuf list) -> (unit -> bool) -> [ `Visibility | `Contents ] -> unit

append_pixbuf_column title f visible appends a new column with name title to the file tree and registers f as a callback computing the list of properties for this column. Do not forget that properties need to be set and unset explicitly. The argument visible is used by the column to decide whether it should appear. The returned function can be used to force an update on the display of the column `Visibility means that the column must be show or hidden. `Contents means what it contains has changed.

method select_global : -> bool

Selects the given global in the tree view and run the associated callbacks. Return a boolean indicating whether the selection succeeded. (Currently, only variables and functions can be selected, provided they are not filtered out.) Unless you known what your are doing, prefer calling main_ui#select_or_display_global, which is more resilient to globals not displayed in the filetree.

method selected_globals : list
  • since Carbon-20101201
  • returns

    the list of selected globals in the treeview.

method view : GTree.view

The tree view associated in which the file tree is packed.

method reset : unit -> unit

Resynchronize the tree view with the current project state. This is called in particular by the generic reset extension of Design

method register_reset_extension : (t -> unit) -> unit

Register a function to be called whenever the reset method of the filetree is called.

method refresh_columns : unit -> unit

Refresh the state of all the non-source columns of the filetree, by hiding those that should be hidden, and displaying the others. Called by reset

  • since Nitrogen-20111001