
Frama-C API - Gui_printers

Special pretty-printers for the GUI. Some sub-elements are annotated by format tags, in order to make them reactive.

Returns the base type for a pointer/array, otherwise t itself. E.g. for t = int***, returns int.

val pp_typ : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.typ -> unit

Same as Printer.pp_typ, except that the type is output between Format tags @{<link:typN>}, that are recognized by the GUI.

val pp_typ_unfolded : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.typ -> unit

Pretty-prints a type, unfolding it once if it is a typedef, enum, struct or union.

Special pretty-printer that outputs tags link:vidN around varinfos, and link:typN around types.

exception NoMatch

Convert a string of the form link:vidN into the varinfo of vid N. This varinfo must have been printed by a pretty-printer extended with LinkPrinter. Raise NoMatch if the link is not of the form link:vidN.

Convert a string of the form link:typN into a type. The association between N and the type is done by printing the type once using pp_typ, or by using a printer extended with LinkPrinter. Raise NoMatch if the link is not of the form link:typN.

Convert a string of the form link:locN into the location of id N. This location must have been printed by a pretty-printer extended with LinkPrinter. Raise NoMatch if the link is not of the form link:locN.