
Frama-C API - History

Source code navigation history.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
type history_elt =
  1. | Global of
  2. | Localizable of Pretty_source.localizable
val is_empty : unit -> bool

Does the history contain an event.

val can_go_back : unit -> bool

Are there past events in the history.

val can_go_forward : unit -> bool

Are there events to redo in the history.

val back : unit -> unit

If possible, go back one step in the history.

val forward : unit -> unit

If possible (ie. if back has been called), go forward one step in the history.

val push : history_elt -> unit

Add the element to the current history; clears the forward history, and push the old current element to the past history.

val set_forward : history_elt list -> unit

Replaces the forward history with the given elements.

val get_current : unit -> history_elt option

return the current history point, if available

  • since Sodium-20150201
val show_current : unit -> unit

Redisplay the current history point, if available. Useful to refresh the gui.

val on_current_history : unit -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

on_current_history () returns a closure at such that at f will execute f in a context in which the history will be the one relevant when on_current_history was executed.

val selected_localizable : unit -> Pretty_source.localizable option

selected_localizable () returns the localizable currently selected, or None if nothing or an entire global is selected.

val translate_history_elt : history_elt -> history_elt option

try to translate the history_elt of one project to the current one

  • since Sodium-20150201