
Frama-C API - Menu_manager

Handle the menubar and the toolbar.

  • since Boron-20100401
type where =
  1. | Toolbar of * string * string

    Label then tooltip

  2. | Menubar of option * string

    Stock used for icon * Label

  3. | ToolMenubar of * string * string

    Label then tooltip


Where to put a new entry.

  • since Boron-20100401
type callback_state =
  1. | Unit_callback of unit -> unit
  2. | Bool_callback of bool -> unit * unit -> bool

Callback for the buttons that can be in the menus. Standard buttons/menus have a callback with no argument. Buttons/menus with states are displayed with checkboxes in menus, or as toggle buttons in toolbars. They receive the after-click state as argument. The state of the button with the second argument of Bool_callback. Currently checks menus cannot have images in Gtk, or the fields of where are ignored.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
type entry = private {
  1. e_where : where;
  2. e_callback : callback_state;

    callback called when the button is clicked

  3. e_sensitive : unit -> bool;

    should the button be activated when the gui is refreshed

  • since Boron-20100401

Smart constructors for menu entries.

If not supplied, the sensitive parameter is the function that always returns true.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001
val toolbar : ?sensitive:(unit -> bool) -> -> label:string -> ?tooltip:string -> callback_state -> entry
val menubar : ?sensitive:(unit -> bool) -> ? -> string -> callback_state -> entry
val toolmenubar : ?sensitive:(unit -> bool) -> -> label:string -> ?tooltip:string -> callback_state -> entry
class type item = object ... end

The item type corresponding to an entry.

class menu_manager : ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> -> object ... end

How to handle a Frama-C menu.