
Frama-C API - signal

method fire : 'a -> unit

Emits the signal to all connected listeners, if enabled and not locked. The signal itself is locked during the execution of listeners, breaking any circularity.

method set_enabled : bool -> unit

Turns emission of signals on or off.

method lock : (unit -> unit) -> unit

If not locked, lock and execute the continuation and finally release the lock.

method connect : ('a -> unit) -> unit

connect f calls f s on each signal s.

method on_check : 'a -> (bool -> unit) -> unit

on_check v fires a boolean signal (s=v) on signal s.

method on_value : 'a -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

on_value v fires a unit signal on signal s when s=v.

method on_event : (unit -> unit) -> unit

on_event fires a unit signal on any signal.