Frama-C API - columns
scrolled tree (build on demand)
method coerce : GObj.widget
method pack : (GObj.widget -> unit) -> unit
(only) Content of rows has changed
method update_row : 'a -> unit
method insert_row : 'a -> unit
method set_focus : 'a -> GTree.view_column -> unit
method on_click : ('a -> GTree.view_column -> unit) -> unit
method on_right_click : ('a -> GTree.view_column -> unit) -> unit
method on_double_click : ('a -> GTree.view_column -> unit) -> unit
method set_selection_mode : Gtk.Tags.selection_mode -> unit
method on_selection : (unit -> unit) -> unit
method count_selected : int
method iter_selected : ('a -> unit) -> unit
method is_selected : 'a -> bool
method add_column_text : ('a, GTree.cell_properties_text) column
method add_column_pixbuf : ('a, GTree.cell_properties_pixbuf) column
method add_column_toggle : ('a, GTree.cell_properties_toggle) column
method add_column_empty : GTree.view_column
Add an empty column that always appears after the columns created by the other add_column