
Frama-C API - Ast_types

This file contains types related types/functions/values.

  • since Frama-C+dev
  • before Frama-C+dev

    Most of these functions were in Cil

Type Attributes

val get_attributes : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.attributes

Returns all the attributes contained in a type. This requires a traversal of the type structure, in case of composite, enumeration and named types

Add some attributes to a type. combine explains how to combine attributes. Default is Ast_attributes.add_list.

val has_attribute : string -> Cil_types.typ -> bool

Does the type have the given attribute. Does not recurse through pointer types, nor inside function prototypes.

val has_qualifier : string -> Cil_types.typ -> bool

Does the type have the given qualifier. Handles the case of arrays, for which the qualifiers are actually carried by the type of the elements. It is always correct to call this function instead of has_attribute. For l-values, both functions return the same results, as l-values cannot have array type.

val has_attribute_memory_block : string -> Cil_types.typ -> bool

has_attribute_memory_block attr t is true iff at least one component of an object of type t has attribute attr. In other words, it searches for attr under aggregates, but not under pointers.

val remove_attributes : string list -> Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Remove all attributes with the given names from a type. Note that this does not remove attributes from typedef and tag definitions, just from their uses (unfolding the type definition when needed). It only removes attributes of topmost type, i.e. does not recurse under pointers, arrays, ...

val remove_all_attributes : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Same as remove_attributes, but remove any existing attribute from the type.

val remove_attributes_deep : string list -> Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Same as remove_attributes, but recursively removes the given attributes from inner types as well. Mainly useful to check whether two types are equal modulo some attributes. See also Cil.typeDeepDropAllAttributes, which will strip every single attribute from a type.

val remove_qualifiers : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Remove all attributes relative to const, volatile and restrict attributes.

val remove_qualifiers_deep : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Remove also qualifiers under Ptr and Arrays.

val remove_attributes_for_c_cast : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Remove all attributes relative to const, volatile and restrict attributes when building a C cast

val remove_attributes_for_logic_type : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Remove all attributes relative to const, volatile and restrict attributes when building a logic cast

Utils functions

Unroll a type until it exposes a non TNamed. Will collect all attributes appearing in TNamed and add them to the final type using add_attributes.

val unroll_node : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ_node

Same than unroll but discard the final type attributes and only return its node.

val unroll_skel : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ_node

Unroll typedefs, discarding all intermediate attribute. To be used only when one is interested in the shape of the type

val unroll_deep : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Unroll all the TNamed in a type (even under type constructors such as TPtr, TFun or TArray. Does not unroll the types of fields in TComp types. Will collect all attributes

val unroll_deep_node : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ_node

Same than unroll_deep but discard the final type attributes and only return its node.

val unroll_logic : ?unroll_typedef:bool -> Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type

Expands logic type definitions. If the unroll_typedef flag is set to true (this is the default), C typedef will be expanded as well using Logic_const.unroll_ltdef.

Const Attribute

val is_const : Cil_types.typ -> bool

Check for "const" qualifier from the type of an l-value using has_attribute_memory_block.

Volatile Attribute

val is_volatile : Cil_types.typ -> bool

Check for "volatile" qualifier from the type of an l-value using has_attribute_memory_block.

Ghost Attribute

val add_ghost : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Add the ghost attribute to a type (does nothing if the type is alreay ghost).

val is_ghost : Cil_types.typ -> bool

Check for "ghost" qualifier from the type of an l-value (do not follow pointer)

val is_wellformed_ghost : Cil_types.typ -> bool

Check if the received type is well-formed according to \ghost semantics, that is once the type is not ghost anymore, \ghost cannot appear again.

Type checkers

val is_void : Cil_types.typ -> bool

is the given type "void"?

val is_void_ptr : Cil_types.typ -> bool

is the given type "void *"?

val is_bool : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is _Bool.

val is_char : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a plain character type (but neither signed char nor unsigned char).

val is_any_char : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a character type (i.e. plain, signed or unsigned).

val is_char_ptr : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a pointer to a plain character type (but neither signed char nor unsigned char).

val is_any_char_ptr : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a pointer to a character type (i.e. plain, signed or unsigned).

val is_char_const_ptr : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a pointer to a constant character type, e.g. a string literal.

val is_short : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a short type (i.e. signed or unsigned).

val is_integral : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an integral type (i.e. integer or enum).

val is_intptr_t : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is intptr_t (but _not_ its underlying integer type).

val is_uintptr_t : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is uintptr_t (but _not_ its underlying integer type).

val is_float : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a floating point type.

val is_long_double : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a long double type.

val is_arithmetic : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an arithmetic type (i.e. integer, enum or floating point.

val is_ptr : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a pointer type.

val is_integral_or_pointer : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an integral or pointer type.

val is_array : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an array type.

val is_unsized_array : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an array type without size.

val is_sized_array : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a sized array type.

val is_char_array : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an array of a character type (i.e. plain, signed or unsigned).

val is_any_char_array : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an array of a character type (i.e. plain, signed or unsigned).

val is_fun : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a function type.

val is_fun_ptr : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a function pointer type.

val is_scalar : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a scalar type (i.e. integral, enum, floating point or pointer.

val is_object : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is an object type (i.e. not a function type).

val is_struct : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a struct.

val is_union : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a union type.

val is_struct_or_union : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument is a struct or union type.

val is_transparent_union : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.fieldinfo option

Check if a type is a transparent union, and return the first field.

val is_variadic_list : Cil_types.typ -> bool

True if the argument denotes the type of ... in a variadic function.

Type access

val direct_element_type : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Returns the type of the array elements of the given type.

  • raises AbortFatal

    it is not an array type.

val element_type : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Returns the elements type using direct_element_type, but if the resulting type is an array, recursively call element_type.

val direct_pointed_type : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Returns the type directly pointed by the given type.

  • raises AbortFatal

    it is not a pointer type.

val pointed_type : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ

Returns the pointed type using direct_pointed_type, but if the resulting type is an array, returns the element type instead using element_type

val array_elem_type_and_size : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ * Cil_types.exp option

Returns the type of the array elements of the given type, and the size of the array, if any.

  • raises AbortFatal

    it is not an array type.

  • before Frama-C+dev

    In Cil this function applied Cil.constFoldToInt on array's size and returned a Z.t option.

Logic Type checkers

val is_logic_volatile : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

Check for "volatile" qualifier from a logic type using is_volatile.

val is_logic_typetag : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is the type for reified C types.

val is_logic_boolean : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is a boolean type, either integral C type or mathematical boolean one.

val is_logic_pure_boolean : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is _Bool or boolean.

val is_logic_integral : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is an integral type (i.e. integer or enum), either C or mathematical one.

val is_logic_float : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is a floating point type.

val is_logic_real : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is the logic 'real' type.

val is_logic_real_or_float : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is a C floating point type or logic 'real' type.

val is_logic_arithmetic : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is a logic arithmetic type (i.e. integer, enum or floating point, either C or mathematical one.

val is_logic_fun : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is the logic function type. Expands the logic type definition if necessary.

val is_logic_fun_ptr : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool

True if the argument is the logic function pointer type. Expands the logic type definition if necessary.