
Frama-C API - Bitvector


  • since Carbon-20101201
type t
val create : int -> t

Create a vector of n bits, with all bits unset.

val create_set : int -> t

Create a vector of n bits, with all bits set.

val capacity : t -> int

Maximum number of bits in the bitvector.

val resize : int -> t -> t

A copy of the bitvector up-to or down-to n bits. Extra bits up to final bitvector capacity are set to zero.

val mem : t -> int -> bool
val set : t -> int -> unit
val clear : t -> int -> unit
val once : t -> int -> bool

return true if unset, then set the bit.

val set_range : t -> int -> int -> unit
val is_empty : t -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int

Bitwise Binary Operations

The first argument is the size of the vectors.

val bnot : int -> t -> t
val band : int -> t -> t -> t
val bor : int -> t -> t -> t
val bxor : int -> t -> t -> t
val beq : int -> t -> t -> t

Generic Bitwise Operations

Prefer using these rather than create intermediary bitvectors.

val bitwise_op2 : int -> (int -> int -> int) -> t -> t -> t
val bitwise_op3 : int -> (int -> int -> int -> int) -> t -> t -> t -> t
val bitwise_op4 : int -> (int -> int -> int -> int -> int) -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t

Sized Concatenation

val concat : t -> int -> t -> int -> t

concat b1 s1 b2 s2 concatenates the s1 first bits of b1 with the s2 first bits of b2.


val iter_true : (int -> unit) -> t -> unit

Iterates on all indexes of the bitvector with their bit set.

val fold_true : ('a -> int -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a

Iterates on all indexes of the bitvector with their bit set.

val find_next_true : t -> int -> int

find_next_true i a returns the first index greater or equal to i with its bit set. To find the first true element, call find_next_true -1 a. If no next true element exists, or i is larger than the array, then raise Not_found.

val pretty : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Bit vector, as blocs of 8-bits separated by space, first bits to last bits from left to right.

val pp_bits : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> int -> unit

0b... format, for bytes only, most significant bits on left.