Frama-C API - Cilconfig
Reading and storing configuration files from the filesystem. Currently only used in Frama-C's GUI.
type configData =
| ConfInt of int
| ConfBool of bool
| ConfFloat of float
| ConfString of string
| ConfList of configData list
The configuration data can be of several types *
val loadConfiguration : Datatype.Filepath.t -> unit
Load the configuration from a file
val saveConfiguration : Datatype.Filepath.t -> unit
Save the configuration in a file. Overwrites the previous values
val setConfiguration : string -> configData -> unit
Set a configuration element, with a key. Overwrites the previous values
val findConfiguration : string -> configData
Find a configuration elements, given a key. Raises Not_found if it cannot find it
Looks for an integer configuration element, and if it is found, it uses the given function. Otherwise, does nothing
val findConfigurationList : string -> configData list
val useConfigurationList : string -> (configData list -> unit) -> unit