Frama-C API - Description
Describe items of Source and Properties.
val pp_stmt : bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.stmt -> unit
prints "<instruction>" or "<instruction> (<file,line>)"
val pp_kinstr : bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.kinstr -> unit
prints nothing for global, or " at <stmt>"
val pp_idpred : bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.identified_predicate -> unit
prints the "'<labels>'" or the "(<location>)" of the predicate
val pp_region : bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.from list -> unit
prints message "nothing" or the "'<names>'" or the "(<location>)" of the relation
val pp_named : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.predicate -> unit
prints the name of a named logic structure (if any), separated by ','.
val pp_bhv : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.funbehavior -> unit
prints nothing for default behavior, and " for 'b'" otherwise
val pp_property : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Property.t -> unit
prints an identified property
val property_kind_and_node : Property.t -> (string * string) option
Returns separately the kind and the node of a property. Returns None for unsupported property kinds. Used to output properties in csv files.
val status_feedback : Property_status.Feedback.t -> string
User-friendly description of property statuses.
val pp_localized : kf:kf -> ki:bool -> kloc:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Property.t -> unit
prints more-or-less localized property
val pp_local : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Property.t -> unit
completely local printer
val pp_compare : Property.t -> Property.t -> int
Computes a partial order compatible with pretty printing
val full_compare : Property.t -> Property.t -> int
Completes pp_compare