Frama-C API - Interpreted_automata
An interpreted automaton is a convenient formalization of programs for abstract interpretation. It is a control flow graph where states are control point and edges are transitions. It keeps track of conditions on which a transition can be taken (guards) as well as actions which are computed when a transition is taken. It can then be interpreted w.r.t. the operational semantics to reproduce the behavior of the program or w.r.t. to the collection semantics to compute a set of reachable states.
This intermediate representation abstracts almost completely the notion of statement in CIL. Edges are either CIL expressions for guards, CIL instructions for actions or a return Edge. Thus, it saves the higher abstraction layers from interpreting CIL statements and from attaching guards to statement successors.
type 'a control =
| Edges
(*control flow is only given by vertex edges.
*)| Loop of 'a
(*start of a Loop stmt, with breaking vertex.
*)| If of {
cond : Cil_types.exp;
vthen : 'a;
velse : 'a;
(*edges are guaranteed to be two guards `Then` else `Else` with the given condition and successor vertices.
*)| Switch of {
value : Cil_types.exp;
cases : (Cil_types.exp * 'a) list;
default : 'a;
(*edges are guaranteed to be issued from a `switch()` statement with the given cases and default vertices.
Control flow informations for outgoing edges, if any.
Vertices are control points. When a vertice is the *start* of a statement, this statement is kept in vertex_start_of
. Currently, this statement is kept for two reasons: to know when callbacks should be called and when annotations should be read.
type vertex = private {
vertex_kf : Cil_types.kernel_function;
vertex_key : int;
mutable vertex_start_of : Cil_types.stmt option;
mutable vertex_info : info;
mutable vertex_control : vertex control;
type 'vertex labels = 'vertex Cil_datatype.Logic_label.Map.t
Maps binding the labels from an annotation to the vertices they refer to in the graph.
type 'vertex annotation = {
kind : assert_kind;
predicate : Cil_types.identified_predicate;
labels : 'vertex labels;
property : Property.t;
type 'vertex transition =
| Skip
| Return of Cil_types.exp option * Cil_types.stmt
| Guard of Cil_types.exp * guard_kind * Cil_types.stmt
| Prop of 'vertex annotation * Cil_types.stmt
| Instr of Cil_types.instr * Cil_types.stmt
| Enter of Cil_types.block
| Leave of Cil_types.block
Each transition can either be a skip (do nothing), a return, a guard represented by a Cil expression, a Cil instruction, an ACSL annotation or entering/leaving a block. The edge is annotated with the statement from which the transition has been generated. This is currently used to choose alarms locations.
type 'vertex edge = private {
edge_kf : Cil_types.kernel_function;
edge_key : int;
edge_kinstr : Cil_types.kinstr;
edge_transition : 'vertex transition;
edge_loc : Cil_types.location;
type wto = vertex Wto.partition
Weak Topological Order is given by a list (in topological order) of components of the graph, which are themselves WTOs
module Vertex : Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = vertex
Datatype for vertices
module Edge : Datatype.S_with_collections with type t = vertex edge
Datatype for edges
An interpreted automaton for a given function is a graph whose edges are guards and commands and always containing two special nodes which are the entry point and the return point of the function. It also comes with a table linking Cil statements to their starting and ending vertex
module Automaton : Datatype.S with type t = automaton
Datatype for automata
module WTO : sig ... end
Datatype for WTOs
val get_automaton : Cil_types.kernel_function -> automaton
Get the automaton for the given kernel_function without annotations
val get_wto : Cil_types.kernel_function -> wto
Get the wto for the automaton of the given kernel_function
val exit_strategy : graph -> vertex Wto.component -> wto
Extract an exit strategy from a component, i.e. a sub-wto where all vertices lead outside the wto without passing through the head.
val output_to_dot : Stdlib.out_channel -> ?labeling:vertex labeling -> ?wto:wto -> automaton -> unit
Output the automaton in dot format
type wto_index = vertex list
the position of a statement in a wto given as the list of component heads
module WTOIndex : Datatype.S with type t = wto_index
Datatype for wto_index
val get_wto_index : Cil_types.kernel_function -> vertex -> wto_index
val get_wto_index_diff : Cil_types.kernel_function -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex list * vertex list
val is_wto_head : Cil_types.kernel_function -> vertex -> bool
val is_back_edge : Cil_types.kernel_function -> (vertex * vertex) -> bool
module Compute : sig ... end
This module defines the previous functions without memoization
module UnrollUnnatural : sig ... end
Could enter a loop only by head nodes
Generic versions of the algorithms on dataflow graphs
module Algorithms (G : Graph.Sig.G) : sig ... end
Dataflow computation: simple data-flow analysis using interpreted automata. See tests/misc/ for a complete example using this dataflow computation.
module type Domain = sig ... end
Input domain for a simple dataflow analysis.
module type DataflowAnalysis = sig ... end
Simple dataflow analysis
module ForwardAnalysis (D : Domain) : DataflowAnalysis with type state = D.t
Forward dataflow analysis. The domain must provide a forward transfer
function that computes the state after a transition from the state before.
module BackwardAnalysis (D : Domain) : DataflowAnalysis with type state = D.t
Backward dataflow analysis. The domain must provide a backward transfer
function that computes the state before a transition from the state after.