Frama-C API - Logic_ptree
type location = Cil_types.location
arithmetic and logic binary operators.
type array_size = lexpr option
size of logic array.
and logic_type =
| LTvoid
(*C void
*)| LTboolean
*)| LTinteger
(*mathematical integers.
*)| LTreal
(*mathematical real.
*)| LTint of Cil_types.ikind
(*C integral type.
*)| LTfloat of Cil_types.fkind
(*C floating-point type
*)| LTarray of logic_type * array_size
(*C array
*)| LTpointer of logic_type
(*C pointer
*)| LTenum of string
(*C enum
*)| LTstruct of string
(*C struct
*)| LTunion of string
(*C union
*)| LTnamed of string * logic_type list
(*declared logic type.
*)| LTarrow of logic_type list * logic_type
| LTattribute of logic_type * Cil_types.attribute
logic types.
and quantifiers = (logic_type * string) list
quantifier-bound variables
and lexpr = {
lexpr_node : lexpr_node;
(*kind of expression.
*)lexpr_loc : location;
(*position in the source code.
logical expression. The distinction between locations, terms and predicate is done during typing.
construct inside a functional update.
and lexpr_node =
| PLvar of string
(*a variable
*)| PLapp of string * string list * lexpr list
(*an application.
*)| PLlambda of quantifiers * lexpr
(*a lambda abstraction.
*)| PLlet of string * lexpr * lexpr
(*local binding.
*)| PLconstant of constant
(*a constant.
*)| PLunop of unop * lexpr
(*unary operator.
*)| PLbinop of lexpr * binop * lexpr
(*binary operator.
*)| PLdot of lexpr * string
(*field access (
)| PLarrow of lexpr * string
(*field access (
)| PLarrget of lexpr * lexpr
(*array access.
*)| PLold of lexpr
(*expression refers to pre-state of a function.
*)| PLat of lexpr * string
(*expression refers to a given program point.
*)| PLresult
(*value returned by a function.
*)| PLnull
(*null pointer.
*)| PLcast of logic_type * lexpr
*)| PLrange of lexpr option * lexpr option
(*interval of integers.
*)| PLsizeof of logic_type
(*sizeof a type.
*)| PLsizeofE of lexpr
(*sizeof the type of an expression.
*)| PLupdate of lexpr * path_elt list * update_term
(*functional update of the field of a structure.
*)| PLinitIndex of (lexpr * lexpr) list
(*array constructor.
*)| PLinitField of (string * lexpr) list
(*struct/union constructor.
*)| PLtypeof of lexpr
(*type tag for an expression.
*)| PLtype of logic_type
(*type tag for a C type.
*)| PLfalse
(*false (either as a term or a predicate.
*)| PLtrue
(*true (either as a term or a predicate.
*)| PLrel of lexpr * relation * lexpr
(*comparison operator.
*)| PLand of lexpr * lexpr
*)| PLor of lexpr * lexpr
*)| PLxor of lexpr * lexpr
(*logical xor.
*)| PLimplies of lexpr * lexpr
*)| PLiff of lexpr * lexpr
*)| PLnot of lexpr
*)| PLif of lexpr * lexpr * lexpr
(*conditional operator.
*)| PLforall of quantifiers * lexpr
(*universal quantification.
*)| PLexists of quantifiers * lexpr
(*existential quantification.
*)| PLbase_addr of string option * lexpr
(*base address of a pointer.
*)| PLoffset of string option * lexpr
(*base address of a pointer.
*)| PLblock_length of string option * lexpr
(*length of the block pointed to by an expression.
*)| PLvalid of string option * lexpr
(*pointer is valid.
*)| PLvalid_read of string option * lexpr
(*pointer is valid for reading.
*)| PLobject_pointer of string option * lexpr
(*object pointer can be created.
*)| PLvalid_function of lexpr
(*function pointer is compatible with pointed type.
*)| PLallocable of string option * lexpr
(*pointer is valid for malloc.
*)| PLfreeable of string option * lexpr
(*pointer is valid for free.
*)| PLinitialized of string option * lexpr
(*pointer is guaranteed to be initialized
*)| PLdangling of string option * lexpr
(*pointer is guaranteed to be dangling
*)| PLfresh of (string * string) option * lexpr * lexpr
(*expression points to a newly allocated block.
*)| PLseparated of lexpr list
(*separation predicate.
*)| PLnamed of string * lexpr
(*named expression.
*)| PLcomprehension of lexpr * quantifiers * lexpr option
(*set of expression defined in comprehension (
*){ e | integer i; P(i)}
)| PLset of lexpr list
(*sets of elements.
*)| PLunion of lexpr list
(*union of sets.
*)| PLinter of lexpr list
(*intersection of sets.
*)| PLempty
(*empty set.
*)| PLlist of lexpr list
(*list of elements.
*)| PLrepeat of lexpr * lexpr
(*repeat a list of elements a number of times.
Kind of expression
ACSL extension.
type type_annot = {
inv_name : string;
this_type : logic_type;
this_name : string;
(*name of its argument.
*)inv : lexpr;
type invariant.
type model_annot = {
model_for_type : logic_type;
model_type : logic_type;
model_name : string;
(*name of the model field.
model field.
type typedef =
| TDsum of (string * logic_type list) list
(*sum type, list of constructors
*)| TDsyn of logic_type
(*synonym of an existing type
Concrete type definition.
and decl_node =
| LDlogic_def of string * string list * string list * logic_type * (logic_type * string) list * lexpr
*)LDlogic_def(name,labels,type_params, return_type, parameters, definition)
represents the definition of a logic functionname
whose return type isreturn_type
and arguments areparameters
. Its label arguments arelabels
. Polymorphic functions have their type parameters intype_params
is the body of the defined function.| LDlogic_reads of string * string list * string list * logic_type * (logic_type * string) list * lexpr list option
*)LDlogic_reads(name,labels,type_params, return_type, parameters, reads_tsets)
represents the declaration of logic function. It has the same arguments asLDlogic_def
, except that the definition is abstracted to a set of read accesses inread_tsets
.| LDtype of string * string list * typedef option
(*new logic type and its parameters, optionally followed by its definition.
*)| LDpredicate_reads of string * string list * string list * (logic_type * string) list * lexpr list option
*)LDpredicate_reads(name,labels,type_params, parameters, reads_tsets)
represents the declaration of a new predicate. It is similar toLDlogic_reads
except that it has noreturn_type
.| LDpredicate_def of string * string list * string list * (logic_type * string) list * lexpr
*)LDpredicate_def(name,labels,type_params, parameters, def)
represents the definition of a new predicate. It is similar toLDlogic_def
except that it has noreturn_type
.| LDinductive_def of string * string list * string list * (logic_type * string) list * (string * string list * string list * lexpr) list
*)LDinductive_def(name,labels,type_params, parameters, indcases)
represents an inductive definition of a new predicate.| LDlemma of string * string list * string list * toplevel_predicate
(*LDlemma(name,labels,type_params,property) represents axioms and lemmas. Axioms and admit lemmas are fusionned.
is the list of label arguments andtype_params
the list of type parameters. Last,property
is the statement of the lemma.| LDaxiomatic of string * decl list
represents a block of axiomatic definitions.| LDmodule of string * decl list
represents a module of axiomatic definitions.| LDimport of {
import_loader : loader option;
module_name : string;
module_alias : string option;
imports symbols from module using the specified loader, with optional alias.| LDinvariant of string * lexpr
(*global invariant.
*)| LDtype_annot of type_annot
(*type invariant.
*)| LDmodel_annot of model_annot
(*model field.
*)| LDvolatile of lexpr list * string option * string option
(*volatile clause read/write.
*)| LDextended of global_extension
(*extended global annotation.
and deps =
| From of lexpr list
(*tsets. Empty list means \nothing.
*)| FromAny
(*Nothing specified. Any location can be involved.
dependencies of an assigned location.
and assigns =
| WritesAny
(*Nothing specified. Anything can be written.
*)| Writes of from list
(*list of locations that can be written. Empty list means \nothing.
zone assigned with its dependencies.
and variant = lexpr * string option
variant of a loop or a recursive function.
and global_extension =
| Ext_lexpr of extension
(**)| Ext_extension of {
gext_name : string;
gext_plugin : string;
gext_kind : string;
gext_content : extended_decl list;
Global ACSL extension.
type behavior = {
mutable b_name : string;
(*name of the behavior.
*)mutable b_requires : toplevel_predicate list;
(*require clauses.
*)mutable b_assumes : lexpr list;
(*assume clauses.
*)mutable b_post_cond : (Cil_types.termination_kind * toplevel_predicate) list;
*)mutable b_assigns : assigns;
*)mutable b_allocation : allocation;
(*frees, allocates.
*)mutable b_extended : extension list;
Behavior in a specification. This type shares the name of its constructors with Cil_types.behavior
type spec = {
mutable spec_behavior : behavior list;
*)mutable spec_variant : variant option;
(*variant for recursive functions.
*)mutable spec_terminates : lexpr option;
(*termination condition.
*)mutable spec_complete_behaviors : string list list;
(*list of complete behaviors. It is possible to have more than one set of complete behaviors
*)mutable spec_disjoint_behaviors : string list list;
(*list of disjoint behaviors. It is possible to have more than one set of disjoint behaviors
Function or statement contract. This type shares the name of its constructors with Cil_types.spec
type code_annot =
| AAssert of string list * toplevel_predicate
(*assertion to be checked. The list of strings is the list of behaviors to which this assertion applies.
*)| AStmtSpec of string list * spec
(*statement contract (potentially restricted to some enclosing behaviors).
*)| AInvariant of string list * bool * toplevel_predicate
(*loop/code invariant. The list of strings is the list of behaviors to which this invariant applies. The boolean flag is true for normal loop invariants and false for invariant-as-assertions.
*)| AVariant of variant
(*loop variant. Note that there can be at most one variant associated to a given statement
*)| AAssigns of string list * assigns
(*loop assigns. (see
in the behaviors for other assigns). At most one clause associated to a given (statement, behavior) couple.| AAllocation of string list * allocation
(*loop allocation clause. (see
in the behaviors for other allocation clauses). At most one clause associated to a given (statement, behavior) couple.| AExtended of string list * bool * extension
(*extension in a code or loop (when boolean flag is true) annotation.
all annotations that can be found in the code. This type shares the name of its constructors with Cil_types.code_annotation_node
type annot =
| Adecl of decl list
(*global annotation.
*)| Aspec
(*function specification.
*)| Acode_annot of location * code_annot
(*code annotation.
*)| Aloop_annot of location * code_annot list
(*loop annotation.
all kind of annotations
type ext_module = string option * ext_decl list * ((string * location) option * ext_function list) list
type ext_spec = ext_module list