
Frama-C API - _

include Lattice_with_cardinality with type t := KVMap.t
include Lattice_type.With_Cardinal_One with type t := KVMap.t
val cardinal_zero_or_one : KVMap.t -> bool
include Lattice_type.With_Diff_One with type t := KVMap.t
val diff_if_one : KVMap.t -> KVMap.t -> KVMap.t

diff_if_one t1 t2 is an over-approximation of t1-t2.

  • returns

    t1 if t2 is not a singleton.

include Lattice_type.With_Enumeration with type t := KVMap.t
val fold_enum : (KVMap.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> KVMap.t -> 'a -> 'a

Fold on the elements of the value one by one if possible. Raises Abstract_interp.Not_less_than when there is an infinite number of elements to enumerate.

val cardinal_less_than : KVMap.t -> int -> int

Raises Abstract_interp.Not_less_than whenever the cardinal of the given lattice is strictly higher than the given integer.

val find_lonely_key : KVMap.t -> Key.t * Value.t

If t is a singleton map binding k to v and t is not a summary key, then returns the pair (k,v).

  • raises Not_found


val find_lonely_binding : KVMap.t -> Key.t * Value.t

If t is a singleton map binding k to v, if t is not a summary key, and if cardinal_zero_or_one v holds, returns the pair (k,v).

  • raises Not_found
