Frama-C API - S
Monad signature with let-bindings
This signature provides all the usual monadic operators along with let-bindings definitions used to simplify codes relying on monads. The provided operators are as follows:
embeds a valuex
in the monad.bind
encodes the idea of "sequence" in the monadic world, i.e the callbind f m
comes down to performing the computationm
before applying the next computation step, represented by the functionf
, to the resulting
applies a function through the monad. One can examplify it by making a parallel with the listmap
is used to handle nested applications of the monad.
The provided let-bindings operators can be used to write simpler and cleaner code. For example, one can write let+ v = compute x in v + 1
instead of map (fun v -> v + 1) (compute x)
. The more monadic steps, the simpler the code will get when written using those operators. In this module, >>-
and let*
always correspond to the bind
operator while >>-:
and let+
always correspond to the map
. All those operators are provided in an Operators
module to avoid namespace conflicts. Indeed, one can use the expression let open MyMonad.Operators in
to use all the let-bindings without risking conflicts by including the other definitions, which have rather common names. This idiom also helps indicate which monad is currently used in a code.
val return : 'a -> 'a t
module Operators : sig ... end