
Frama-C API - Nat

Encoding of the Peano arithmetic in OCaml type system. A value of type n nat contains n at the value and the type level, allowing to express properties on objects sizes and accesses for example. It is used by the module Linear to represent vectors and matrices dimensions.

type zero = |
type 'n succ = |
type 'n nat
type positive_or_null =
  1. | PositiveOrNull : 'n nat -> positive_or_null
type strictly_positive =
  1. | StrictlyPositive : 'n succ nat -> strictly_positive
val zero : zero nat
val one : zero succ nat
val succ : 'n nat -> 'n succ nat
val prev : 'n succ nat -> 'n nat
val to_int : 'n nat -> int

The call to_int n returns an integer equal to n. This function complexity is O(1).

val of_int : int -> positive_or_null option

Returns a positive or null natural. If the given parameter is stricly negative then None is returned. This function complexity is O(1).

val of_strictly_positive_int : int -> strictly_positive option

Returns a strictly positive natural. If the given parameter is less or equal than zero, then None is returned. This function complexity is O(1).