
Frama-C API - Share

Handle the specific `share' directory of the plug-in.

  • since Oxygen-20120901
val set : Filepath.Normalized.t -> unit

Sets the plugin <specific-dir> directory (without creating it).

val get : unit -> Filepath.Normalized.t
  • returns

    the plugin <specific-dir> directory (without creating it).

val is_set : unit -> bool
  • returns

    whether the plugin <specific-dir> has been set.

val get_dir : ?mode:[ `Normalize_only | `Create_path | `Must_exist ] -> string -> Filepath.Normalized.t

get_dir ?mode p returns a (local) path p, i.e. relative to the plugin <specific-dir> directory, of a sub-directory of the plugin <specific-dir> directory.

  • parameter mode

    determines how to handle the resulting path:

    1. Normalize_only just normalizes the resulting path (default).
    2. Create_path creates the resulting path, if does not exist.
    3. Must_exist aborts if the resulting path does not exist.
val get_file : ?mode:[ `Normalize_only | `Create_path | `Must_exist ] -> string -> Filepath.Normalized.t

get_file ?mode p returns a (local) path p, i.e. relative to the plugin <specific-dir> directory, of a file in the plugin <specific-dir> directory.

  • parameter mode

    determines how to handle the resulting path:

    1. Normalize_only just normalizes the resulting path (default).
    2. Create_path creates the dirname of resulting path, if does not exist.
    3. Must_exist aborts if the resulting path does not exist.