
Frama-C API - Reset

Reset operations on behaviors, allows to reset the tables associated to a given kind of AST elements. If you use fresh instances of visitor for each round of transformation, you should not need this module. In place modifications do not need this at all.

Reset.ast_element vis resets the tables associated to the considered type of AST elements in vis. For example for Cil_types.varinfo: Reset.varinfo vis.

  • since 20.0-Calcium
val varinfo : t -> unit
val compinfo : t -> unit
val enuminfo : t -> unit
val enumitem : t -> unit
val typeinfo : t -> unit
val stmt : t -> unit
val logic_info : t -> unit
val logic_type_info : t -> unit
val fieldinfo : t -> unit
val model_info : t -> unit
val logic_var : t -> unit
val kernel_function : t -> unit
val fundec : t -> unit