
Frama-C API - Qed

module Bvars : sig ... end

Bound Variables Footprints.

module Cache : sig ... end
module Collection : sig ... end

Merging Maps and Sets

module Engine : sig ... end

Generic Engine Signature

module Export : sig ... end

Export Engine Factory

module Export_why3 : sig ... end

Exportation Engine for Why-3.

module Export_whycore : sig ... end

Common Exportation Engine for Why-3 and Alt-Ergo

module Hcons : sig ... end

Hash-Consing Utilities

module Idxmap : sig ... end

Map with indexed keys

module Idxset : sig ... end

Set of indexed elements implemented as Patricia sets.

module Intmap : sig ... end

Maps with integers keys using Patricia Trees.

module Intset : sig ... end

Set of integers using Patricia Trees.

module Kind : sig ... end

Logic Types Utilities

module Listmap : sig ... end

Merging List-Association Functor

module Listset : sig ... end

Merging Set Functor

module Logic : sig ... end
module Mergemap : sig ... end

Merging Map Functor

module Mergeset : sig ... end

Merging Set Functor

module Partition : sig ... end

Union-find based partitions

module Plib : sig ... end

Pretty Printing Utilities.

module Pool : sig ... end
module Pretty : sig ... end

Pretty Printer for Qed Output.

module Term : sig ... end

Logic expressions