Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

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[Frama-c-discuss] [Jessie] pset_disjoint

Le mer. 10 juin 2009 08:50:12 CEST,
"Hollas Boris (CR/AEY1)" <Boris.Hollas at> a ?crit :

> Of course, in most cases, this makes sense and prevents a lot of bugs. But I haven't found this in the ACSL documentation. Since distinct memory locations can be expressed with the separated predicate, I assumed that pointers don't have to be distinct by default.

You're right, ACSL doesn't require that by default. This is something
which is specific to the jessie plugin, and documented in chapter 5
of the jessie manual (for the courageous, you can find more details
in chapter 6 of Yannick Moy's PhD). And again, this can be de-activated
if needed.

Best regards,
E tutto per oggi, a la prossima volta.