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[Frama-c-discuss] Frama-c: WP issues

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-c: WP issues
  • From: dmentre at (David MENTRE)
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 18:30:57 +0100
  • In-reply-to: <B517F47C2F6D914AA8121201F9EBEE6701C7660449A3@Mail1.FCMD.local>
  • References: <B517F47C2F6D914AA8121201F9EBEE6701C76682DC29@Mail1.FCMD.local> <> <B517F47C2F6D914AA8121201F9EBEE6701C76682DD39@Mail1.FCMD.local>, <> <B517F47C2F6D914AA8121201F9EBEE6701C7660449A3@Mail1.FCMD.local>

Hello Dharmalingam,

Le 15/01/2014 17:45, Dharmalingam Ganesan a ?crit :
> I tried your suggestion adding asserts but no luck. I attach the C code for your reference.

Sorry, my assertion was incorrect. It should have been "assert fRrValue 
== 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;".

In attached foo.c, I have added above annotation at various points in 
the code. It is proved everywhere except for the last block:
	if ( (mfAp >= nApLRL)
		 || ((bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue < nCaLRL))
		 || ((bRAp == TRUE)
			&& (gbCaMStatus == TRUE) && (gbCaaStatus == FALSE) )  )


If this code block is commented out, then your contract is proved.

I don't know why. It seems pretty innocuous regarding your property to me.

Any WP specialist having an idea?

Best regards,

-------------- next part --------------
typedef unsigned char BOOL;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short int uint16;
typedef unsigned long  uint32;

uint16 F_MIN_R = 15;  

const uint8 RESP_STATE = 30; 

typedef enum

tenumMode tenumRMode;

BOOL gbCaMStatus;
BOOL gbCaaStatus;
uint8 mnPb;
BOOL mbApLYRange;
float gfApYLineSlope;
float gfApYLineConst;
float gfApRLineSlope;
float gfApRLineConst;
float mfAp;
uint16 almC;
uint16	nApLYL = 0;
uint16	nApLRL = 0;
uint16  Ap_Y_L_Ui = 0;
uint16  Ap_R_L_Ui = 0;
float	fCaValue=0.0;
float   fRrValue = 0.0;
uint16	nCaLYL=0;
uint16	nCaLRL=0;

  @ behavior basic:
  @  assumes fRrValue == 0;
  @  ensures tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;

void foo()

	float	mfNewAp = 0;	

	if (fRrValue != 0)
            /* Some code here */ 
		if (mnPb == 1)
			mfAp = RESP_STATE; 
			mnPb = 2; 
		tenumRMode = SS_A_MODE;
	//@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;

	if ( (mfAp >= F_MIN_R) &&
		 ((gbCaMStatus == TRUE) && (gbCaaStatus == FALSE)) )
		bApAlmC = TRUE;
                almC = 1;
                almC = 0;
	//@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;

	if ( (bApAlmC == TRUE)
		 && (mfAp < nApLYL)
		 && (fCaValue >= nCaLYL) )
		float fmultval = 0;

		fmultval = gfApYLineSlope*fCaValue;

		mfNewAp = fmultval + gfApYLineConst;

		if (mfAp >= mfNewAp)
			bYAp = TRUE;
			bYAp = FALSE;

		Ap_Y_L_Ui = (uint16)mfNewAp;
	//@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;

	if ((bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue > (float)nCaLYL))
		mfNewAp = ((gfApYLineSlope*fCaValue) + gfApYLineConst);
		if (mfNewAp < (float)nApLYL);
                  Ap_Y_L_Ui = (uint16)mfNewAp;

	else if ((bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue <= (float)nCaLYL))
		Ap_Y_L_Ui = F_MIN_R;	
	if ( (bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue >= nCaLRL) )
		float fmultval = 0;

		fmultval = gfApRLineSlope*fCaValue;

		mfNewAp = fmultval + gfApRLineConst;

		if (mfAp >= mfNewAp)
			bRAp = TRUE;
			bRAp = FALSE;

		Ap_R_L_Ui = (uint16)mfNewAp;
        else if ( (bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue < nCaLRL) )
                Ap_R_L_Ui = F_MIN_R; 
	//@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;
	if ( (mfAp >= nApLYL)
		 || ((bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue < nCaLYL))
		 || ((bYAp == TRUE)
			 && (gbCaMStatus == TRUE) && (gbCaaStatus == FALSE)  ) )
		mbApLYRange = TRUE;
		mbApLYRange = FALSE;

	//@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;
	if ( (mfAp >= nApLRL)
		 || ((bApAlmC == TRUE) && (fCaValue < nCaLRL))
		 || ((bRAp == TRUE)
			&& (gbCaMStatus == TRUE) && (gbCaaStatus == FALSE) )  )
	  //@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;


	//@ assert fRrValue == 0.0 ==> tenumRMode == SS_A_MODE;