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[Frama-c-discuss] Question about Impact analysis results

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Question about Impact analysis results
  • From: divya84 at (Divya Muthukumaran)
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 10:51:32 +0000

Hi All,

I was playing around with the impact analysis with the following example:
I have two variables conf_data and nonconf_data and I am tagging the
assignment to the former. I was expecting to see the call to and definition
 harmlessFunction() in the results but I get the following, which contains
assignment to nonconf_data and its use. Could someone explain to me why
get included? The command I am running is commented out at the beginning of

[impact] impacted statements of stmt(s) 26 are:
           test-pointer-constraints.c:14 (sid 4): val = *array_D;
           test-pointer-constraints.c:15 (sid 6): return val;
           test-pointer-constraints.c:24 (sid 13): tmp =
           test-pointer-constraints.c:24 (sid 14): return tmp;
           test-pointer-constraints.c:34 (sid 26): *(conf_data + i) =
*           test-pointer-constraints.c:38 (sid 34): *(nonconf_data + i) =
*                                                   (0,9);*
*           test-pointer-constraints.c:42 (sid 37): val =
           test-pointer-constraints.c:63 (sid 48): tmp = main(3,argv);
[impact] analysis done


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include
"__fc_builtin.h"/*frama-c -main analysis_main -impact-pragma main
test-pointer-constraints.c -val -val-builtins-auto
-no-val-malloc-returns-null -context-width 3 -slevel 11 -impact-print
> test.log*/int Frama_C_interval(int min, int max); int verboseLog(int
* inputArray) {        int * array_D = inputArray;         int val =
*array_D;        return val; } int * harmlessFunction(int * array_a) {
    return array_a;  } int harmfulFunction(int * array_B) {    int *
array_C = array_B;     return verboseLog(array_C); } int main(int
argc, char ** argv) {    int * conf_data = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)
* 10); /* Data is sensitive */      int * nonconf_data = (int *)
malloc(sizeof(int) * 10); /* Data is not-sensitive */      int i = 0;
  for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {	//@ impact pragma stmt;         *(conf_data
+ i) = Frama_C_interval(0,9);    }     for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {
 *(nonconf_data  + i) = Frama_C_interval(0,9);     }
harmlessFunction(conf_data);     int val =
harmfulFunction(nonconf_data);     return 0; } /* Ignore this
function. Fake main for Frama-c */ int analysis_main(void) {    char
*argv[4];    char arg1[2];    char arg2[2];    arg1[0]='0';
arg1[1]=0;    arg2[0]='1';    arg2[1]=0;    argv[0]="Analyzed
application";    argv[1]=arg1;    argv[2]=arg2;    argv[3]=NULL;
return main(3, argv);}
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