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[Frama-c-discuss] [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: Frama-c support for dynamic memory

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: Frama-c support for dynamic memory
  • From: julien.signoles at (Julien Signoles)
  • Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 08:36:32 +0200
  • In-reply-to: <>
  • References: <> <> <>

Le 18/05/2020 à 09:11, WILLIAMS Nicky a écrit :
> PathCrawler, the structural test generation plugin of Frama-C, treats dynamic allocation too.

As well as E-ACSL, the runtime verification plug-in of Frama-C.
Dynamic allocations are much easier to handle with dynamic analysis 
tools :-).


> ________________________________________
> From: Frama-c-discuss [frama-c-discuss-bounces at] on behalf of Claude Marche [Claude.Marche at]
> Sent: 18 May 2020 09:09
> To: frama-c-discuss at
> Subject: Re: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-c support for dynamic memory
> Hello Mike, hello to all,
> Le 18/05/2020 à 03:21, Whalen, Mike a écrit :
>> Hello all,
>>     Apologies for perhaps an unfair criticism of the WP manual.  It is
>> really a nice document, and I have been able to prove some interesting
>> things.  However, if we wish to use frama-c for AWS-related projects, we
>> must have support for dynamic memory.
> Interesting to learn that AWS aims at formally verifying C code. It is
> of course legitimate that you investigate on the existing tools to do so.
> Your analysis about capabilities of Frama-C and the WP plugin seems
> accurate to me. Let me add a few points that may make your analysis even
> more informed
> * verifying C code involving complex data-structures, including dynamic
> memory allocation, remains nowadays a complex task and a complex problem
> that is the subject of many on-going research in academia. It is not the
> case that you could find a perfect tool that would suit your needs
> off-the-shelf
> * Using techniques based on deductive verification is certainly
> promising, however for industrial needs I think it is important to have
> a broader vision and be ready to use several different techniques. For
> example regarding using Frama-C I was wondering if you investigated the
> Eva plug-in and how Eva and WP can be used in combination?
> * a less academic point : developing verification environment like
> Frama-C and make them reasonably usable from an industrial perspective
> costs a lot of human resources and money. Frama-C and WP are freely
> available, their development were and are supported in part by French
> public funding and in part by collaborations and contracts with
> industrial users. Is AWS considering a collaboration with the Frama-C
> developer team, with corresponding funding? [Disclaimer: I'm not member
> of Frama-C devteam, not a member of the CEA institute... yet I am paying
> taxes in France...]
>> In looking at more of the plug-ins, it appears that Jessie is built on
>> top of separation logic.  It is still referenced in the frama-c web
>> site, but is it still supported?  The documentation was a bit sketchy.
> Being the main and almost only remaining maintainer of Jessie, I can say
> that they are current developments for porting it to recent Frama-C
> versions, but the development is now stopped due to absence of funding.
> Have a nice day, take care,
> - Claude
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