Frama-C API - M
The intermediate language generation monad. It is used for translating E-ACSL predicates to expressions of the E-ACSL intermediate language (see Interlang
include Monad_rws.S with type env = env and type state = state and type out = out
type env = env
Reader variable type
type out = out
Writer variable type
type state = state
State variable type
Standard monad functions and types
execute state monad with initial environment env
and initial state state
Reader monad
Writer monad
State monad
modify the current value of the State variable by applying a function
Standard monadic helper functions
module Bool : sig ... end
module Option : sig ... end
val not_covered : ?pre:string -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b t
The preferred method of raising the Not_covered
exception. The format parameter should print the unsupported language element encountered. The ?pre
parameter allows for some additional information to be printed alongside.
val read_logic_env : Analyses_datatype.Logic_env.t t
A convenience function to obtain the logic environment from the current Env.t
-portion of the Reader variable.