Frama-C API - Numerors_arithmetics
module I = Numerors_interval
val pretty : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Pretty printer
Return a value with all fields to zero. The <approx> field will use the precision of the approx field of the parameter
val prec : t -> Numerors_utils.Precisions.t
Return the precision of the <approx> field
val change_prec : Numerors_utils.Precisions.t -> t -> t
Return a new value with the same fields as the input but with an <approx> field with the given precision
val narrow : t -> t -> t Eva.Eval.or_bottom
module type Arithmetic = sig ... end
Signature of an arithmetic
module Exact : Arithmetic with type forward = I.t
Modules which implement the previous signature for each field of <t>
module Approx : Arithmetic with type forward = I.t
module Backward_Comparisons : sig ... end
Backward comparisons