Frama-C API - Record
Record factory.
You shall start by declaring a (ghost) type r
and call Record.signature
to create a signature of type r
, which will be your container to register your record fields.
Then, populate the signature with Record.field
or Record.option
. Finally, you shall call Record.publish
to pack the record signature and obtain a new data module of type Record with type r = r
, which gives you a Data
with an opaque type t = r record
with fields of type (r,a) field
(* ---- Exemple of Record Data --- *)
type r
let s = Record.signature () in
let fd_a = Record.field s ~name:"a" ~descr:"..." (module A) in
let fd_b = Record.field s ~name:"b" ~descr:"..." (module B) in
let r = Record.publish s ~page ~kind ~name ~descr
module M = (val r) : Record with type r = r)
let make a b = M.default |> M.set fd_a a |> M.set fd_b b
module type S = sig ... end
Data with type t = r record
. Also contains getters and setters for fields.
val signature : unit -> 'a signature
Create a new, opened record type.
val field : 'r signature -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> ?default:'a -> 'a data -> ('r, 'a) field
Adds a field to an opened record.
val option : 'r signature -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> 'a data -> ('r, 'a option) field
Adds a optional field to an opened record.
val publish : package:Package.package -> name:string -> ?descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> 'a signature -> (module S with type r = 'a)
Publish and close an opened record.