Frama-C API - Data
Data Encoding.
This module is responsible for marshaling and demarshaling data to handle communications between the server and the client in both directions.
Each datatype must be equipped with functions to encode and decode values to/from JSON format. Moreover, data types shall be also properly documented and registered in the generated documentation of the Frama-C server.
Generally speaking, we will have a module with signature Data.D
for every datatype to be exchanged with the server. For simple values, predefined modules are already provided. More complex datatypes can be built with some functors, typically for options, lists or arrays.
Records and enumerated types are typical in JSON formatting, but difficult to build from OCaml records and abstract datatypes. For those kinds of data, we provide an API based on the following general scheme:
- First create an empty container with its name, documentation and such;
- Then add each field or constructor to the container;
- Finally pack the container, which actually registers its complete documentation and returns an OCaml value containing the resulting datatype module.
Hence, in addition to module signature Data.S
for values, there is also a polymorphic type 'a
for module values carrying a data module with type t = 'a
The same mechanism is used throughout modules States
and Request
each time a JSON record or tag is needed.
type json = Frama_c_kernel.Json.t
val pretty : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> json -> unit
module type S = sig ... end
Datatype module signature.
Atomic Data
module Jfile : S with type t = Frama_c_kernel.Filepath.Normalized.t
val jtext : string -> Jtext.t
Simple string a Jtext
val jpretty : ?indent:int -> ?margin:int -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> Jtext.t
All-in-one formatter. Return the JSON encoding of formatted text.
module Jmarkdown : S with type t = Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text
Functional API
val junit : unit data
val jbool : bool data
val jint : int data
val jfloat : float data
val jstring : string data
val jalpha : string data
val jindex : kind:string -> int data
val jkey : kind:string -> string data
val derived : package:Package.package -> id:Package.ident -> Package.jtype -> Package.jtype
Declare the derived names for the provided type. Shall not be used directely.
val declare : package:Package.package -> name:string -> ?descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> Package.jtype -> Package.jtype
Declare a new type and returns its alias. Same as Jdata (declare_id ~package ~name (D_type js))
. Automatically declare the derived names.
module Record : sig ... end
Record factory.
module Tag : S with type t = Package.tagInfo
module Enum : sig ... end
Enum factory.
Indexed Values
These datatypes automatically index complex values with unique identifiers. This avoids to encode the internal OCaml representation of each value, by only providing to the server a unique identifier for each value.
These datatype functors come into three flavors:
for projectified datatypes,Static()
for project independant datatypes,Identified()
for projectified values already identified by integers.Tagged()
for projectified values already identified by strings.
module type Info = sig ... end
Datatype registration information.
module type Map = sig ... end
Simplified Map.S
module type Index = sig ... end
Datatype extended with access to value identifiers.
Builds an indexer that does not depend on current project.
Builds a projectified index.
module type IdentifiedType = sig ... end
Datatype already identified by unique integers.
module Identified (A : IdentifiedType) (_ : Info) : Index with type t = A.t and type tag := int
Builds a projectified index on types with unique identifiers.
module type TaggedType = sig ... end
Datatype already identified by unique integers.
Builds a projectified index on types with unique identifiers.
Error handling
These utilities shall be used when writing your own encoding and decoding values to JSON format.
val failure : ?json:json -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val failure_from_type_error : string -> json -> 'a