Frama-C API - Main
Server Main Process
type json = Frama_c_kernel.Json.t
val string_of_kind : kind -> string
val pp_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> kind -> unit
Request Registry
Signals Registry
val signal : string -> signal
val signal_name : signal -> string
Server Main Process
type 'a request = [
| `Poll
| `Request of 'a * string * json
| `Kill of 'a
| `SigOn of string
| `SigOff of string
| `Shutdown
Type of request messages. Parametrized by the type of request identifiers.
type 'a response = [
| `Data of 'a * json
| `Error of 'a * string
| `Killed of 'a
| `Rejected of 'a
| `Signal of string
| `CmdLineOn
| `CmdLineOff
Type of response messages. Parametrized by the type of request identifiers.
A paired request-response message. The callback will be called exactly once for each received message.
val create : pretty:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> ?equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> fetch:(unit -> 'a message option) -> unit -> 'a server
Run a server with the provided low-level network primitives to actually exchange data. Logs are monitored unless ~logs:false
is specified.
Default equality is the standard `(=)` one.
val start : 'a server -> unit
Start the server in background.
The function returns immediately after installing a daemon that (only) accepts GET requests received by the server on calls to Async.yield()
Shall be scheduled at command line main stage via Boot.Main.extend
extension point.
val stop : 'a server -> unit
Stop the server if it is running in background.
Can be invoked to force server shutdown at any time.
It shall be typically scheduled via Extlib.safe_at_exit
along with other system cleanup operations to make sure the server is property shutdown before Frama-C main process exits.
val run : 'a server -> unit
Run the server forever. The server would now accept any kind of requests and start handling them. While executing an `EXEC
request, the server would continue to handle (only) `GET
pending requests on Async.yield()
at every server.polling
time interval.
The function will not return until the server is actually shutdown.
Shall be scheduled at normal command line termination via Cmdline.at_normal_exit
extension point.
val emit : signal -> unit
Emit the server signal to the client.
val on_signal : signal -> (bool -> unit) -> unit
Register a callback on signal listening.
The callback is invoked with true
command and false
Register a callback to listen for server activity. All callbacks are executed in their order of registration. Callbacks shall never raise any exception.
Register a callback to listen for server initialization. All callbacks are executed once, in their order of registration, and before activity callbacks. Callbacks shall never raise any exception.
val async : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b Frama_c_kernel.Task.task
Register an asynchronous task on the server. When the server is not working in background, this is equivalent to
; otherwize, the continuation is scheduled on the server like an `EXEC