Frama-C API - Request
Request Registry
type json = Data.json
module type Input = sig ... end
module type Output = sig ... end
A signal is a one-way message from server to client for indicating that something happened. To avoid unecessary noise, the client must be registered on each signal it is interested in. The client will then send a proper get requests to the server to retrieve the updated data.
As a matter of fact, update events are much more frequent than what a typical GUI client can handle. Hence, signal emissions can not carry data and are grouped (or « debounced ») until the next server response to client.
val signal : package:Package.package -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> signal
Register a server signal. The signal name
must be unique.
val emit : signal -> unit
Emit the signal to the client.
val on_signal : signal -> (bool -> unit) -> unit
Callback invoked each time the client is starting or stopping to listen to the given signal.
Simple Requests Registration
val register : package:Package.package -> kind:kind -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> ?signals:signal list -> input:'a input -> output:'b output -> ('a -> 'b) -> unit
Register a simple request of type (a -> b)
which depends on the given signals
Name, page and kind must be consistent with each others:
- No publication on
pages - Kernel requests shall starts with
- Plugin requests shall starts with
- SET requests must contain
(case insensitive) - GET requests must contain
(case insensitive) - EXEC requests must contain
(case insensitive)
Requests with Named Parameters
The API below allows for creating requests with named and optional parameters. Although such requests could be defined with simple registration and record datatypes, the helpers below allow more flexibility and a better correspondance between optional parameters and OCaml option types.
To register a request with named parameters and/or named results, you first create a signature. Then you define named parameters and results, and finally you register the processing function:
(* ---- Exemple of Request Registration --- *)
let () =
let s = Request.signature () in
let get_a = Request.param s ~name:"a" ~descr:"..." (module A) in
let get_b = Request.param s ~name:"b" ~descr:"..." (module B) in
let set_c = Request.result s ~name:"c" ~descr:"..." (module C) in
let set_d = Request.result s ~name:"d" ~descr:"..." (module D) in
Request.register_sig s ~package ~kind ~name ~descr
(fun rq () ->
let (c,d) = some_job (get_a rq) (get_b rq) in
set_c rq c ; set_d rq d)
Create an opened request signature. Depending on whether ~input
and ~output
datatype are provided, you shall define named parameters and results before registering the request processing function.
type 'a param = rq -> 'a
Named input parameter.
type 'b result = rq -> 'b -> unit
Named output parameter.
val register_sig : package:Package.package -> kind:kind -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> ?signals:signal list -> ('a, 'b) signature -> (rq -> 'a -> 'b) -> unit
Register the request JSON processing function. This call finalize the signature definition and shall be called once on the signature.
Named Parameters and Results
The functions bellow must be called on a freshly created signature before its final registration. The obtained getters and setters shall be only used within the registered process.
The correspondance between input/output JSON syntax and OCaml values is summarized in the tables below.Abstract_domain
For named input parameters: API: Input JSON OCaml Getter ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Request.param { f: a } 'a (* might raise an exception *) Request.param ~default { f: a? } 'a (* defined by default *) Request.param_opt { f: a? } 'a option
For named output parameters: API: Input JSON OCaml Setter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Request.result { f: a } 'a (* shall be set by process *) Request.result ~default { f: a } 'a (* defined by default *) Request.result_opt { f: a? } 'a option
val param : (unit, 'b) signature -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> ?default:'a -> 'a input -> 'a param
Named input parameter. If a default value is provided, the JSON input field becomes optional. Otherwized, it is required.
val param_opt : (unit, 'b) signature -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> 'a input -> 'a option param
Named optional input parameter.
val result : ('a, unit) signature -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> ?default:'b -> 'b output -> 'b result
Named output parameter. If a default value is provided, the JSON output field is initialized with it. Otherwise, it shall be set at each invocation of the request processing funciton.
val result_opt : ('a, unit) signature -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> 'b output -> 'b option result
Named optional output parameter. The initial value is set to None
Exporting Dictionaries
val dictionary : package:Package.package -> name:string -> descr:Frama_c_kernel.Markdown.text -> 'a Data.Enum.dictionary -> (module Data.S with type t = 'a)
Register a GET
request dictionary.<name>
to retrieve all tags registered in the dictionary.