Frama-C API - SlicingInternals
Internals types
Internals type definitions should be hidden to the outside world.
About options
type level_option =
| DontSlice
(*don't build slice for the function : ie. always call the source function.
*)| DontSliceButComputeMarks
(*don't slice the called functions, but compute the marks for them
*)| MinNbSlice
(*try to use existing slices, create at most one
*)| MaxNbSlice
(*most precise slices (but merge slices with the same visibility, even if they don't have the same marks)
associate a level to each function in order to control how it will be specialized. This is only a hint used when the tool has to make a choice, but it doesn't forbid to the user to do whatever he wants (like building slices for a DontSlice
About function slice
Kinds of elementary marks.
Each PDG element has 2 marks to deal with interprocedural propagation
val pdg_mark_packed_descr : Frama_c_kernel.Structural_descr.pack
type fct_info = {
fi_kf : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.kernel_function;
fi_def : Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.fundec option;
mutable fi_top : pdg_mark option;
(*indicates if the function is marked top (=> src visible)
*)mutable fi_level_option : level_option;
(*level of specialisation for this function
*)mutable fi_init_marks : ff_marks option;
(*the marks that must be in every slices of that function
*)mutable fi_slices : fct_slice list;
(*the list of the slices already computed for this function.
*)mutable fi_next_ff_num : int;
(*the number to assign to the next slice.
*)mutable f_called_by : called_by;
(*calls in slices that call source fct
Type for all the informations related to any function, even if we don't have its definition.
and called_by = (fct_slice * Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt) list
to represent where a function is called.
Function slice : created as soon as there is a criterion to compute it, even if the slice itself hasn't been computed yet.
is used to identify either a source function or a sliced one.
and call_info = called_fct option
information about a call in a slice which gives the function to call
and marks_index = (pdg_mark, call_info) Pdg_types.PdgIndex.FctIndex.t
main part of a slice = mapping between the function elements and information about them in the slice.
and ff_marks = Pdg_types.PdgTypes.Pdg.t * marks_index
and project = {
functions : fct_info Frama_c_kernel.Cil_datatype.Varinfo.Hashtbl.t;
mutable actions : criterion list;
and appli_criterion =
| CaGlobalData of Frama_c_kernel.Locations.Zone.t
(*select all that is necessary to compute the given location.
*)| CaCall of fct_info
(*select all that is necessary to call the given function. Its application generates requests to add persistent selection to all the function callers.
*)| CaOther
Slicing criterion at the application level. When applied, they are translated into fct_criterion
and fct_base_criterion = pdg_mark
Base criterion for the functions. These are the only one that can really generate function slices. All the other criteria are translated in more basic ones. Note that to build such a base criterion, the PDG has to be already computed.
and loc_point = Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt * Frama_c_kernel.Locations.Zone.t * bool
Used to identify a location (zone) at a given program point. The boolean tell if the point is before (true) or after the statement
tells how we want to select nodes, or some of their dependencies (see fct_user_crit
and fct_user_crit =
| CuSelect of pdg_mark
| CuTop of pdg_mark
(*the function has probably no PDG, but we nonetheless give a mark to propagate
Tells which marks we want to put in the slice of a function
and fct_crit =
| CcUserMark of fct_user_crit
(*add marks to a slice
*)| CcChooseCall of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt
(*have to choose what function to call here.
*)| CcChangeCall of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt * called_fct
(*call the
for the given callCil_types.stmt
| CcMissingOutputs of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt * pdg_mark * bool
(*this call is affected to a function that doesn't compute enough outputs : we will have to choose between adding outputs to that slice, or call another one. The boolean tells if the modifications would change the visibility of some outputs.
*)| CcMissingInputs of Frama_c_kernel.Cil_types.stmt * pdg_mark * bool
(*the function calls a slice that has been modified : and doesn't compute not enough inputs. We will have to choose between adding marks to this function, and call another slice. The boolean tells if the modifications would change the visibility of some inputs.
*)| CcPropagate of pdg_mark
(*simply propagate the given marks
*)| CcExamineCalls of pdg_mark Pdg_types.PdgMarks.info_called_outputs
kinds of actions that can be apply to a function
and fct_criterion = {
cf_fct : fct_id;
(*Identification of the RESULT of this filter. When it a a slice, it might be an existing slice that will be modified, or a new one will be created during application. When it is the source function, it means what the criterion has to be applied on each existing slice, and stored into the initial marks of the function.
*)cf_info : fct_crit;
Slicing criterion for a function.
A slicing criterion is either an application level criterion, or a function level one.
Internals values
For the datatypes of these internals types
val dummy_pdg_mark : pdg_mark
val dummy_fct_info : fct_info
val dummy_marks_index : (pdg_mark, call_info) Pdg_types.PdgIndex.FctIndex.t
val dummy_ff_marks : Pdg_types.PdgTypes.Pdg.t * (pdg_mark, call_info) Pdg_types.PdgIndex.FctIndex.t
val dummy_fct_slice : fct_slice
val dummy_fct_user_crit : fct_user_crit
val dummy_project : project
The whole project.