Frama-C API - Configuration
Configuration module for the GUI: all magic visual constants should use this mechanism (window width, ratios, ...).
type configData =
| ConfInt of int
| ConfBool of bool
| ConfFloat of float
| ConfString of string
| ConfList of configData list
val set : string -> configData -> unit
Set a configuration element, with a key. Overwrites the previous values
val find : string -> configData
Find a configuration elements, given a key. Raises Not_found if it cannot find it
Like find but extracts the integer. Raises Not_found if the key is found but is not an integer. Raises Not_found if no default is given and the key is not found. If a default is given and the key is not found then the default value is stored for the given key and returned.
Looks for an integer configuration element, and if it is found, it is given to the given function. Otherwise, does nothing
Same as find_int
Same as use_int
Same as find_int
Same as use_int
Same as find_int
Same as use_int
val find_list : string -> configData list
val use_list : string -> (configData list -> unit) -> unit
val set_list : string -> configData list -> unit
Helpers to connect widgets to configuration values. The configuration value is first pushed to the widget using method #set
, or the ~default
value is used instead.
Then, a callback is registered into the widget via #connect
such that subsequent values from user's action are saved back into the configuration file.
class type 'a selector = object ... end
Abstract interface to the connected widget. This API is consistent with the Widget
val config_int : key:string -> default:int -> int selector -> unit
val config_bool : key:string -> default:bool -> bool selector -> unit
val config_string : key:string -> default:string -> string selector -> unit
val config_float : key:string -> default:float -> float selector -> unit
val config_values : key:string -> default:'a -> values:('a * string) list -> 'a selector -> unit
The values
field is used as a dictionary of available values. They are compared with Stdlib.(=)