
Frama-C API - Gtk_helper

Generic Gtk helpers.

  • since Boron-20100401
val framac_icon : GdkPixbuf.pixbuf option
  • since Boron-20100401
module Icon : sig ... end

Some generic icon management tools.

module Configuration : sig ... end

Configuration module for the GUI: all magic visual constants should use this mechanism (window width, ratios, ...).


val make_tag : < tag_table : Gtk.text_tag_table ; create_tag : ?name:string -> GText.tag_property list -> GText.tag.. > -> name:string -> GText.tag_property list -> GText.tag
val apply_tag : GSourceView.source_buffer -> GText.tag -> int -> int -> unit
val remove_tag : GSourceView.source_buffer -> GText.tag -> int -> int -> unit
val cleanup_tag : GSourceView.source_buffer -> GText.tag -> unit
val cleanup_all_tags : GSourceView.source_buffer -> unit


val make_formatter : ?flush:(unit -> unit) -> GText.buffer -> Stdlib.Format.formatter

Build a formatter that redirects its output to the given buffer. flush is called whenever the formatter is flushed.

val log_redirector : ?flush:(unit -> unit) -> (string -> unit) -> unit

Redirects all strings written to the terminal and call the given function on each.

val redirect : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> GText.buffer -> unit

Redirect the given formatter to the given buffer

Asynchronous command execution

val spawn_command : ?timeout:int -> ?stdout:Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ?stderr:Stdlib.Buffer.t -> string -> string array -> (Unix.process_status -> unit) -> unit

Launches the given command and calls the given function when the process terminates. If timeout is > 0 (the default) then the process will be killed if it does not end before timeout seconds. In this case the returned process status will be Unix.WSIGNALED Sys.sigalrm.


val gui_unlocked : bool Stdlib.ref

This is a mutex you may use to prevent running some code while the GUI is locked.

val register_locking_machinery : ?lock_last:bool -> lock:(bool -> unit) -> unlock:(unit -> unit) -> unit -> unit

Add hooks to the locking mechanism of the GUI. lock_last must be set to true if lock must be executed after all the others locking actions and unlock must be executed before all the others unlocking actions. Default is false. At least one "lock_last" action is allowed.

  • since Beryllium-20090901

2 Tooltips

val do_tooltip : ?tooltip:string -> < coerce : GObj.widget.. > -> unit

Add the given tooltip to the given widget. It has no effect if no tooltip is given.


type 'a chooser = -> string -> (unit -> 'a) -> ('a -> unit) -> unit -> unit

The created widget is packed in the box. The two following functions are supposed to be accessors(get and set) for the value to be displayed. The returned closure may be called to resynchronize the value in the widget from the get function.

val on_bool : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> bool chooser

Pack a check button

val range_selector : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> -> label:string -> lower:int -> upper:int -> (int -> unit) -> (unit -> int) -> unit -> unit
val on_int : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> ?lower:int -> ?upper:int -> ?sensitive:(unit -> bool) -> ?width:int -> int chooser

Pack a spin button. By default, sensitivity is set to true when this function is called.

val on_float : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> ?lower:float -> ?upper:float -> ?sensitive:(unit -> bool) -> ?width:int -> float chooser

Pack a spin button. By default, sensitivity is set to true when this function is called.

val on_string : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> ?validator:(string -> bool) -> ?width:int -> string chooser

Pack a string chooser

val on_string_set : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> ?width:int -> string chooser

Pack a string-set chooser

val on_string_completion : ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> ?validator:(string -> bool) -> string list -> string chooser
val on_combo : string list -> ?tooltip:string -> ?use_markup:bool -> ?width:int -> string chooser

Pack a string-selector

Error manager

class type host = object ... end

A utility class to catch exceptions and report proper error messages. See the documentations of the methods in Design.main_window_extension_points, which inherits from this class.

class error_manager : ?reset:(unit -> unit) -> GWindow.window_skel -> host

A utility class to catch exceptions and report proper error messages. The error dialog will be transient for the GWindow.window_skel argument.

Source files chooser

class type source_files_chooser_host = object ... end
val source_files_chooser : source_files_chooser_host -> string list -> (string list -> unit) -> unit

Open a dialog box for choosing C source files and performing an action on them.

  • since Boron-20100401
val select_file : ?title:string -> ?dir:string Stdlib.ref -> ?filename:string -> unit -> string option

Launches a standard gtk file chooser window and returns the name of the selected file. Replaces GToolbox.select_file that has not been ported to lablgtk3.

  • since 19.0-Potassium


val refresh_gui : unit -> unit

Process some pending events in the main Glib loop. This is intended to be called only when !gui_unlocked == false.

  • since Beryllium-20090901
val string_selector : string list -> (GObj.widget -> unit) -> GEdit.entry
val expand_to_path : GTree.view -> Gtk.tree_path -> unit
val make_string_list : packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> (string -> unit) * (unit -> unit) * (unit -> string list)
  • returns

    (add, remove_selected, get_elements)

val place_paned : GPack.paned -> float -> unit

Sets the position of the paned widget to the given ratio

val save_paned_ratio : string -> GPack.paned -> unit

Saves the current ratio of the panel associated to the given key.

val old_gtk_compat : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit

Catch exception Not_found and do nothing

val trace_event : GObj.event_ops -> unit

Trace all events on stderr for the given object. This is a debugging function: it should not be called during normal execution.

val make_text_page : ?pos:int -> GPack.notebook -> string -> (GPack.notebook -> unit) * GText.view

Insert a GText.view in a new page of the notebook with the given title, at position pos if specified, or last if not. It returns a new GText.view together with a function to reparent the inserted page in another notebook. The tab label of the created page will be highlighted whenever its contents changes.

  • since Beryllium-20090901
val open_in_external_viewer : ?line:int -> Frama_c_kernel.Datatype.Filepath.t -> unit

Opens file in an external viewer, optionally centered on line line (if supported by the viewer). The viewer is executed in the background (i.e. it does not block the execution of Frama-C). The external viewer is given by the environment variable EDITOR. If undefined, a default viewer is used.

  • since Magnesium-20151001
module MAKE_CUSTOM_LIST (A : sig ... end) : sig ... end

A functor to build custom Gtk lists. You'll probably prefer to use the highlevel custom models in the next module named Custom.List. It may be part of a future lablgtk release. Do not change anything without changing lablgtk svn.

val input_string : parent:GWindow.window -> title:string -> ?ok:string -> ?cancel:string -> ?text:string -> string -> string option

Copied from lablgtk GToolbox.input_string. See the lablgtk API for more details.

val image_menu_item : image:GObj.widget -> text:string -> packing:(GMenu.menu_item -> unit) -> GMenu.menu_item

calls the packing function to append a new menu item with an icon and a label. replaces GMenu.image_menu_item that has been deprecated in GTK3