Frama-C API - Logic_print
Pretty-printing of a parsed logic tree.
val print_constant : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.constant -> unit
val print_logic_type : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) option -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.logic_type -> unit
First arguments prints the name of identifier declared with the corresponding type (None for pure type. C syntax makes impossible to separate printing the type and the identifier in a declaration...
val print_quantifiers : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.quantifiers -> unit
val print_lexpr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.lexpr -> unit
val print_type_annot : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.type_annot -> unit
val print_typedef : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.typedef -> unit
val print_decl : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.decl -> unit
val print_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.spec -> unit
val print_code_annot : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.code_annot -> unit
val print_assigns : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.assigns -> unit
val print_variant : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Logic_ptree.variant -> unit