Frama-C API - Logic_typing
Logic typing and logic environment.
val type_rel : Logic_ptree.relation -> Cil_types.relation
Relation operators conversion
val type_binop : Logic_ptree.binop -> Cil_types.binop
Arithmetic binop conversion. Addition and Subtraction are always considered as being used on integers. It is the responsibility of the user to introduce PlusPI, MinusPI and MinusPP where needed.
val ctype_of_pointed : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.typ
val ctype_of_array_elem : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.typ
val arithmetic_conversion : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type
module Lenv : sig ... end
Local logic environment
module Type_namespace : Datatype.S with type t = type_namespace
type typing_context = {
is_loop : unit -> bool;
anonCompFieldName : string;
conditionalConversion : Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ -> Cil_types.typ;
find_macro : string -> Logic_ptree.lexpr;
find_var : ?label:string -> string -> Cil_types.logic_var;
(*the label argument is a C label (obeying the restrictions of which label can be present in a \at). If present, the scope for searching local C variables is the one of the statement with the corresponding label.
*)find_enum_tag : string -> Cil_types.exp * Cil_types.typ;
find_comp_field : Cil_types.compinfo -> string -> Cil_types.offset;
find_type : type_namespace -> string -> Cil_types.typ;
find_label : string -> Cil_types.stmt Stdlib.ref;
pre_state : Lenv.t;
post_state : Cil_types.termination_kind list -> Lenv.t;
assigns_env : Lenv.t;
silent : bool;
logic_type : typing_context -> Cil_types.location -> Lenv.t -> Logic_ptree.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type;
type_predicate : typing_context -> Lenv.t -> Logic_ptree.lexpr -> Cil_types.predicate;
(*typechecks a predicate. Note that the first argument is itself a
, which allows for open recursion. Namely, it is possible for the extension to change the type-checking functions for the sub-nodes of the parsed tree, and not only for the toplevellexpr
.type_term : typing_context -> Lenv.t -> Logic_ptree.lexpr -> Cil_types.term;
type_assigns : typing_context -> accept_formal:bool -> Lenv.t -> Logic_ptree.assigns -> Cil_types.assigns;
error : 'a 'b. Cil_types.location -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a;
on_error : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> ((Cil_types.location * string) -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b;
*)on_error f rollback x
will attempt to evaluatef x
. If this triggers an error while in-kernel-warn-key annot-error
mode,rollback (loc,cause)
will be executed (whereloc
is the location of the error andcause
a text message indicating the issue) and the exception will be re-raised.
Functions that can be called when type-checking an extension of ACSL.
type module_builder = {
add_logic_type : Cil_types.location -> Cil_types.logic_type_info -> unit;
add_logic_function : Cil_types.location -> Cil_types.logic_info -> unit;
Functions that can be called when importing external modules into ACSL. See Acsl_extension.register_module_importer
for details.
module type S = sig ... end
val builtin_label : string -> Cil_types.logic_builtin_label option
returns the builtin label corresponding to the given name if it exists
val add_var : string -> Cil_types.logic_var -> Lenv.t -> Lenv.t
adds a given variable in local environment.
val add_result : Lenv.t -> Cil_types.logic_type -> Lenv.t
add \result
in the environment.
val enter_post_state : Lenv.t -> Cil_types.termination_kind -> Lenv.t
enter a given post-state.
val post_state_env : Cil_types.termination_kind -> Cil_types.logic_type -> Lenv.t
enter a given post-state and put \result
in the env. NB: if the kind of the post-state is neither Normal
nor Returns
, this is not a normal ACSL environment. Use with caution.
Internal use
val set_extension_handler : is_extension:(plugin:string -> string -> bool) -> typer: (plugin:string -> string -> typing_context -> Cil_types.location -> Logic_ptree.lexpr list -> bool * Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind) -> typer_block: (plugin:string -> string -> typing_context -> Cil_types.location -> (string * Logic_ptree.extended_decl list) -> bool * Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind) -> importer: (plugin:string -> string -> module_builder -> Cil_types.location -> string list -> unit) -> unit
val get_typer : plugin:string -> string -> typing_context:typing_context -> loc:Cil_types.location -> Logic_ptree.lexpr list -> bool * Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind
Type the given extension.
val get_typer_block : plugin:string -> string -> typing_context:typing_context -> loc:Logic_ptree.location -> (string * Logic_ptree.extended_decl list) -> bool * Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind
Type the given extension block.
val get_importer : plugin:string -> string -> builder:module_builder -> loc:Logic_ptree.location -> string list -> unit
Load the given module importer extension.
/ *
val is_arithmetic_type : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val is_integral_type : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val is_fun_ptr : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val is_array_type : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val is_pointer_type : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val is_set_type : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val is_list_type : Cil_types.logic_type -> bool
val type_of_set_elem : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type
val type_of_list_elem : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type
val type_of_pointed : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type
val type_of_array_elem : Cil_types.logic_type -> Cil_types.logic_type