
Frama-C API - Polymorphic

Generic implementation of polymorphic type value.



type 'a poly = 'a T.t

Type of the polymorphic type (for instance 'a list). It must be instantiated before used. See function instantiate below.

val instantiate : 'a t -> 'a poly t * bool
  • returns

    the monomorphic instantiation of the polymorph type with the given type value. For instance, if 'a poly = 'a list, then instantiate int returns the type value int list.

val is_instance_of : 'a t -> bool
  • returns

    true iff the given type value has been created from function instantiate above. For instance, is_instance_of (instantiate int) always returns true but is_instance_of int always returns false.

val get_instance : 'a poly t -> 'a t

get_instance ty returns the type value used to create the given monomorphic instantiation.