Frama-C API - Type
Type value. A type value is a value representing a static ML monomorphic type. This API is quite low level. Prefer to use module Datatype
instead whenever possible.
Type declaration
Type of type values. For each monomorphic type ty
, a value of type ty t
dynamically represents the type ty
. Such a value is called a type value and should be unique for each static monomorphic type.
type 'a ty = 'a t
Pretty printing materials
par_ty_name f ty
puts parenthesis around the name of the ty
iff f ty
is true
Constructor and getters
May be raised by register
val register : ?closure:bool -> name:string -> Structural_descr.t -> 'a list -> 'a t
register ?closure ~name ~ml_name descr reprs
registers a new type value. Should not be used directly. Use one of functors of module Datatype
instead. closure
is true iff the type is a function type. name
is the name of the type. Must be a valid OCaml type name (eventually prefixed by a module path).
Apply this functor to access to the abstract type of the given name.
val name : 'a t -> string
val structural_descr : 'a t -> Structural_descr.t
val reprs : 'a t -> 'a list
Not usable in the "no-obj" mode
val digest : 'a t -> Stdlib.Digest.t
val get_embedded_type_names : 'a t -> string list
Get the list of names containing in the type represented by the given type value. For instance get_embedded_type_names (Datatype.func Datatype.unit (Datatype.list
returns "unit -> int list"; "unit"; "int list"; "int"
val set_name : 'a t -> string -> unit
Type values are comparable
val hash : 'a t -> int
Polymorphic type values
Functors for handling polymorphic type: one type value must be registered for each monomorphic instance of a polymorphic type.
module type Polymorphic_input = sig ... end
module type Polymorphic = sig ... end
For a polymorphic type value with one type variable, you must use an implementation of this signature.
module Polymorphic (T : Polymorphic_input) : Polymorphic with type 'a poly = 'a T.t
Generic implementation of polymorphic type value.
module type Polymorphic2_input = sig ... end
See module Polymorphic_input
: very same functions with one additional argument corresponding to the second type variable.
module type Polymorphic2 = sig ... end
Same as Polymorphic
for polymorphic types with two type variables.
module Polymorphic2 (T : Polymorphic2_input) : Polymorphic2 with type ('a, 'b) poly = ('a, 'b) T.t
Generic implementation of polymorphic type value with two type variables.
module Function : sig ... end
Instance of Polymorphic2
for functions: same signature than Polymorphic2
with possibility to specify a label for the function parameter.
module type Polymorphic3_input = sig ... end
See module Polymorphic_input
: very same functions with two additional arguments corresponding to the second and third type variables.
module type Polymorphic3 = sig ... end
Same as Polymorphic
for polymorphic types with three type variables.
module Polymorphic3 (T : Polymorphic3_input) : Polymorphic3 with type ('a, 'b, 'c) poly = ('a, 'b, 'c) T.t
Generic implementation of polymorphic type value with three type variables.
module type Polymorphic4_input = sig ... end
See module Polymorphic_input
: very same functions with three additional arguments corresponding to the additional type variables.
module type Polymorphic4 = sig ... end
Same as Polymorphic
for polymorphic types with four type variables.
module Polymorphic4 (T : Polymorphic4_input) : Polymorphic4 with type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) poly = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) T.t
Generic implementation of polymorphic type value with four type variables.
Heterogeneous Tables
These tables are safe to use but nevertheless not for casual users.
module type Heterogeneous_table = sig ... end
module Make_tbl (Key : sig ... end) (Info : sig ... end) : Heterogeneous_table with type key = Key.t and type 'a info = 'a Info.t
Build an heterogeneous table associating keys to info. Not efficient for types registered without ml name.
module String_tbl (Info : sig ... end) : Heterogeneous_table with type key = string and type 'a info = 'a Info.t
Heterogeneous tables indexed by string.
Heterogeneous tables indexed by type value. Roughly the same signature that Hashtbl.S
module Obj_tbl : sig ... end
Heterogeneous table for the keys, but polymorphic for the values.