Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives
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[Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C Oxygen-20120901
- Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C Oxygen-20120901
- From: Julien.Signoles at (Julien Signoles)
- Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:08:46 +0200
Dear Frama-C users, We are glad to announce a new major release of Frama-C, namely Oxygen-20120901. ======== DOWNLOAD ======== You can download the release at . For now, there is a source tar-ball distribution. Binary versions will be released within the next few weeks. A new version of the Jessie plug-in will shortly be released separately by Inria and will be compatible with Frama-C Oxygen. ============ MAIN CHANGES ============ This new major version includes too many bug fixes and improvements to list here: the detailed list is available at . The main highlights are: - Kernel: support of local variables partially initialized - ACSL: support of model fields - Value: better support for ACSL annotations - Aorai, Impact, PDG, Value: significant performance improvement - Kernel API (developers only): new API for annotation handling For plug-in developers: this major release changes several Frama-C APIs in an incompatible way. Some of the plugin-side changes can automatically be applied by using the script bin/ of the source distribution. Complex plug-ins should be reviewed for compatibility. ====== ENJOY! ====== Enjoy this release and please report any issue and/or successes with this version through the usual channels, listed at . For the Frama-C Development Team, Julien Signoles -- Researcher-engineer CEA LIST, Software Safety Labs tel:(+33) fax:(+33) Julien.Signoles at
- Follow-Ups:
- [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C Oxygen-20120901
- From: anne.pacalet at (Anne Pacalet)
- [Frama-c-discuss] Frama-C Oxygen-20120901
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