
Frama-C API - States

  • since Fluorine-20130401
val iter : ?prj:Project.t -> (string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a -> bool -> unit) -> unit

iterates a function f over all registered states. Arguments of f are its name, its type value, its value for the given project (Project.current () by default) and a boolean which indicates if it is already computed.

  • since Fluorine-20130401
val fold : ?prj:Project.t -> (string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a -> bool -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'acc

As iter, but for folding.

  • since Fluorine-20130401
val find : ?prj:Project.t -> string -> 'a Type.t -> 'a * bool
  • returns

    the value of a state given by its name (and if it is computed), in the given project (Project.current () by default)