Seven errors game

Pascal Cuoq - 11th Jan 2011

If you have seen the basic presentation of the value analysis, you may remember the following function.

void abs(int y) 
  if (y >= 0) 
      r = y; 
      r = -y; 

\Why the two ugly return; statements in a function that needs none?" I almost hear you ask. Here is why: without these spurious return; statements you may need to explain where the {2; 3; } set comes from in the screenshot below.


In the screenshot the user has clicked on variable r in the then branch of the if. The bottom panel displays information about the value of r before the assignment and also the possible values of r at the beginning of the successor of the assignment. The intention is to let the user see the effect the statement has on x but in this case this only produces confusion.

Behold the new graphical user interface that Boris and I have spent the afternoon on (pay attention: the difference is subtle):


Pascal Cuoq
11th Jan 2011