
Rounding float to nearest integer, part 2
Pascal Cuoq on 3 May 2013

The previous post offered to round a positive float to the nearest integer represented as a float through a conversion back and forth to 32-bit unsigned int. There was also the promise of at least another method. Thanks to reader feedback there will be two. What was intended to be...

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Harder than it looks: rounding float to nearest integer, part 1
Pascal Cuoq on 2 May 2013

This post is the first in a series on the difficult task of rounding a floating-point number to an integer. Laugh not! The easiest-looking questions can hide unforeseen difficulties, and the most widely accepted solutions can be wrong. Problem Consider the task of rounding a float to the nearest integer....

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A conversionless conversion function
Pascal Cuoq on 1 May 2013

A rant about programming interview questions Software development is a peculiar field. An applicant for a more traditionally artistic position would bring a portfolio to eir job interview: a selection of creations ey deems representative of eir work and wants to be judged by. But in the field of software...

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Of compiler warnings discussions
Pascal Cuoq on 26 April 2013

A discussion I often have addresses the question of whether a compiler¹ can warn for all possible illegal actions a program could take at run-time within a specific, well-understood family² . (1) or some other piece of software that receives a program as input and, in finite time, does something...

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Sign extension
Pascal Cuoq on 25 April 2013

There is no “sign extension” in C. Please stop referring to “sign extension” in C programs. In assembly, there is such a thing as “sign extension” Sign-extend is an assembly instruction say movsx %al %ebx to transfer the contents of a narrow register say %al to a wide register say...

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