
Syntax appropriateness
Pascal Cuoq on 1 December 2012

I know! Let us make [ and ] function as meta-characters when in code style. Users will surely love the ability to insert hyperlinks inside the code they are writing a blog post about. —The authors of the Content Management System this blog relies on In the previous post, (float){…},...

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Solution to yesterday's quiz
Pascal Cuoq on 29 November 2012

Yesterday's quiz was about the expression *(char*)(float[]){x*x} - 63 (for big-endian architectures) or *(3+(char*)(float[]){x*x}) - 63 (for little-endian ones). This post provides an explanation. First, let us try the function on a few values: int main(){ for (unsigned int i=0; i<=20; i++) printf(\l(%2u)=%d" i l(i)); } This may provide the...

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C99 quiz
Pascal Cuoq on 28 November 2012

Here is a convenient one-liner: int l(unsigned int x) { return *(char*)(float[]){x*x} - 63; } What does it do on my faithful PowerMac? The Intel version is not as nice. That's progress for you: *(3+(char*)(float){x*x}) - 63

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Pascal Cuoq on 26 November 2012

A remark I have not heard about the last two posts is the following. Pascal, how can you, in your last post claim that formal verification would have found the bug in your decimal-to-floating-point function? This is the kind of outrageous claim you rant against in your penultimate post! Formal...

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Funny floating-point bugs in Frama-C Oxygen's front-end
Pascal Cuoq on 19 November 2012

In a previous post almost exactly one year ago before Frama-C Oxygen was released I mentioned that the then future release would incorporate a custom decimal-to-binary floating-point conversion function. The reason was that the system's strtof() and strtod() functions could not be trusted. This custom conversion function is written in...

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