
CompCert gets a safe interpreter mode
Pascal Cuoq on 29 August 2011

Safe C interpreters galore The last release of CompCert includes a safe C interpreter based on the compiler's reference semantics. Like KCC and Frama-C's value analysis it detects a large class of undefined behaviors and some unspecified ones. Like them in order to remain useful it needs to make some...

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Only intervals
Pascal Cuoq on 26 August 2011

More often than is good for me, I find someone on the internet saying something to the effect that \Frama-C only does intervals". Sadly I think I see what they mean. they may be of the school of thought that static analysis is abstract interpretation so that although Frama-C is...

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The OCaml compiler does have some nice optimizations
Pascal Cuoq on 26 August 2011

Many OCaml programmers use it because it offers a reasonable (to them) compromise between expressivity and control over resources use. Serious OCaml users are often heard complaining about relatively simple optimizations that the compiler does not have. But this reveals as much of the kind of programmers that end up...

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Think of a number, any number
Pascal Cuoq on 26 August 2011

I like to think the sentence this post borrows as title is one of the most condensed jokes in The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, if one takes the sentence to mean "Pick any number using an uniform probability". It may seem that I am over-interpreting, and perhaps I...

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Pascal Cuoq on 14 August 2011

A little while ago, I was commenting somewhere that Forth had the ultimate control structure, the BEGIN (1) WHILE (2) REPEAT construction. (1) and (2) are holes to be filled with programs. WHILE takes an evaluated condition from the stack, so that (1) can usually be divided into (1a): do...

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